Chapter 11

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Yesterday was so much fun. I'm glad I had agreed to go on the Ferris wheel. Or else I wouldn't have been able to see that beautiful view.

It was like I was in a totally different view. My fear of heights might not be totally gone but at least I know I can go on Ferris Wheels.

I don't know how my fear came about. I guess I just because afraid of everything after my parents death.

Sometimes I'm afraid of myself. When I shoved Jaime I got scared because I didn't know my own strength.

I could've hurt him really bad. And it would've been all my fault. When I laid awake in my bunk a deep feeling of sadness greeted me.

It seems the universe wouldn't let me stay happy for long. Because nothing is built to last forever.

When I got out of my bunk I went to the back to watch tv. But I got there I saw Tony asleep on the couch.

He was all sprawled out on the couch sound asleep. I giggled at the sight. Suddenly someone's hand is on my shoulder.

I look over and see Jaime standing behind me. He looks at me and smiles.

" He seems very peaceful doesn't he?" Jaime asks

" Yea he does." I reply

" Want to get some coffee?" Jaime asks

" Sure we can bring some back for the others." I say

We were at a rest stop and there was a Starbucks across the street. We walked along and got to the light.

Once it changed we walked briskly across the crosswalk. And then we entered Starbucks.

It was very comforting in there and as we waited in line we talked about how much fun yesterday was.

" My fear may not be completely erased but at least I know I can go on Ferris Wheels." I state

He chuckles and we approach the register. When we had ordered we waited where they give you your drinks.

When my name had been called ( we didn't use Jaime's for fear of it being mispronounced) we grabbed the cups and sat down.

I looked around at all the other customers
as I sipped my coffee. It was so good. The other customers were all giggly and happy.

Wish I could be that way. But I'm just not meant to be happy not even for a whole week. Only days.

Just days of happiness and then I turn all depressed. When I turn back Jaime is staring at me funny.

" What?" I ask

He snaps out of it. I laugh because he seemed to be in his own little world.

" Nothing." Jaime says

" I think we should head back . They might be wondering where the heck we are." I say

" Yea we should." Jaime says

We get up and grab the coffee. Then we head out. The tour was still going on and there was a show tonight in fact.

When we got back inside the bus Mike was pacing near the door. When he saw us his eyes widened.

" Where were you guys?" Mike asks

" The Starbucks across the street." Jaime says

" Well Vic and Tony are freaking out." Mike says

" I'll go talk to them." I say

We hand Mike his coffee and then we head back to five Vic and Tony their own. When we got to the back both Vic and Tony were pacing.

I kissed the scars on her skin Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin