I Know I Shouldn't Tell You But I Just Can't Stop Thinking of You

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Macey's P.O.V.:

It's the afternoon now and all of us ran out from the bus as a group to the building, attempting to avoid anyone seeing us or realizing who we were. All of us kept our hoodies up and our sunglasses on.  Ash showed us the new song this morning, and I couldn't get the few parts he had written out of my head. The chords kept playing over and over in my mind.  I also couldn't stop thinking about what Luke and Calum had talked about last night. . . Should I say something?

Michael ran to the door and opened it for the rest of us. We walked in quickly, one after another.

"Ah this AC feels GREAT!" said Michael, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"I couldn't agree more." I said.

We walked to the dressing rooms, ready to start the long day of getting ready for the show tonight. Ash was also going to show his new song ideas to Hi or Hey records and their team today. And me? I was going to figure this damn situation out. I don't know what I'm going to say to Luke. Honestly I don't even know if this is a real enough relationship to even tell Ash and Michael about.

We walked into the dressing rooms, which this time was HUGE and nicely put together. Michael sat down and already had his phone out to call the nearest pizza joint to deliver. Calum was messing with the Xbox in the corner. Ash was setting up one of his drums with the help of a member of the crew. Luke was sitting in the couch next to Michael, eating an apple he had taken from the bus and was scrolling through his phone. I stood there by the doorframe and checked my phone for any updates. I realized how it's funny that I still kept up with all of the boys' tweets and snaps when I'm pretty much living with them right now.  I checked my instagram and realized that I haven't posted anything in a while. Honestly I didn't want to post too much. I didn't want to risk all of the hate comments that could come my way. After getting all of those notifications in the beginning, I decided to make my instagram page private. I thought it would be best that way.

I heard Michael end his order and hang up his phone. I walked over and slumped down next to him on the couch.

"Oder anything good?" I asked.

"Same as always." Michael laughed.

"Figures." I jokingly rolled my eyes.

"What, got any better ideas then pepperoni?" He asked.

"Nah. Although I may never get a piece. Know why?" I asked.

"CAUSE MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE!" Yelled Ashton from across the room. Both Michael and I laughed. I looked over at Luke, who was still deeply engaged in his phone.

Michael elbowed Luke.

"Stop watching guitar porn, man. It's unhealthy." Michael joked. Luke laughed and put down his phone.

"You're one to talk, Michael," laughed Luke, "Pizza porn much?"

"Pshh," said Michael, "never in my life."

We all sat there and laughed. Things kind of stayed like this for a while until Calum abruptly broke the consistency.

"Hey, so. . . Could we get rid of the big elephant in the room?" Said Calum.

Luke and I sat up right away. I already knew where this was probably going to go.

"What do you mean?" Asked Michael, finishing off his last slice of pizza.

"I mean. . .uh. . .Luke. Macey. One of them should probably explain."

Oh God, I felt sick.

"Uh, Calum what's wrong?" Asked Ashton.

"Nothings wrong.  I just think it's time for both you and Michael to know something. It's not a big deal, but I think it should be known." Said Calum.

I could feel the tension building. I didn't look in Luke's direction. All I could feel was Cal, Michael, and Ashton's eyes switching back and fourth between the two of us. I couldn't take this, my anxiety level was at a high.  So I did the only thing I know to do when I feel like this. . . I got up and ran out of the situation. I felt each of the boys eyes on me at the same time as I pushed the door open. I ran out of the building to the garage and ran into the bus.
Luke's P.O.V.:

I kept my face down and avoided eye contact from them until I heard the door open and saw Macey run out of the room. Dammit, this shouldn't be happening right now! No thanks to Calum. I love Cal like a brother and a best friend but God, I can't do this right now.

"Should we go after her??" Asked Michael.

"No, I got it. I need to talk to her." I said, grabbing my phone and walking out of that room as fast as I could. I stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind me, relived at the tension taken off of me. I started running to the garage. I could still hear Macey's footsteps echoing throughout the hallways to the busses. I ran to the garage. She was already inside the bus.  I walked up to the doors and began walking inside.
Macey's P.O.V.:

I curled up into a ball, hiding under my covers in my bed. I started crying. I felt the warm tears stream sideways down my face, while I tasted the salt from a tear that had slipped by my lips. God I want a relationship with Luke but I don't know if what we have is even real right now. And I don't want to hurt the band either. God, why is this so complicated?? I'm so SO stupid!! Why do I always mess things up??

I heard footsteps walk onto the bus... oh God no... who is it? Why did they follow me back to the bus?? I know it's one of them. . . But I don't want to talk right now. I just wanted to cry and be alone.

"Macey?" I heard a voice say. I didn't respond. I couldn't speak; all I could do was try to keep my cries as silent as possible, shut my eyes, and pretend I don't hear him.

"Macey, it's okay."

Oh god it was Luke.

"No its not.." I sniffled underneath the sheets.

"Macey, please. . . Can I see you?" He asked.

I pulled the sheets tighter over my head. I didn't want Luke to see me this way. I felt him lightly tug at the sheets.

"Please. . ." I said crying.

"Okay. . But I'll be here when you're ready to come out.  I'm here." He said.

"Please I don't know what to do." I said with the sheets muffling my voice.

All I could feel was numb. He didn't answer. It was silent. Oh god maybe he decided it wasn't worth it. I wasn't worth waiting for. My mind felt dead and my heart hurt like it had been crushed. Other than that, I couldn't feel anything... until I felt the cover behind me lift, and a warm body shift into the once empty space of sheets next to me.

"Macey, I'm here." Said Luke in a quiet and soothing voice.

I couldn't stop crying, but I turned around to face him. I didn't look at him. I just put my head in his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me, and his soft lips gently kiss my forehead.  I couldn't help it, I just started crying. Hard. I couldn't believe he was just holding me. I felt safe, and more love and comfort than I have felt in a long time. He continued to kiss my forehead and played with my hair.
Luke's P.O.V.:

I held her, kissing her forehead until she calmed down. I looked down at her and saw her eyes closed. She had fallen asleep. I kissed her forehead one last time. I didn't want this to end. She was beautiful. I want to be her safe place. I want to be the one she can trust. Oh god, if only she knew. I smiled as I watched her sleeping. I had a lot of time to kill before the show..

"I love you Macey." I whispered quietly before gently kissing her forehead one last time. I stayed there until I drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys! So I know it's been a LONG while, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Gah *low key wishes Luke would hold me* I'll be seeing 5sos in about 4 days at Tinley Park! Let me know if you're going to be there! I love you guys!

Love, caitlin ♡

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