Chapter 7

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Mr. Black Man (I made up that name) leaded me to a room full of needles and science equipment, which kind of freaked me out. They strapped me to a chair and Mr. Black Man took a needle full of liquid and flicked it "Perfect." He said, he came at me with the needle I struggled to get out of the chair no use he injected me with the liquid and I felt a tingle down my spine I felt drowsy and dizzy, then my mind was taken over by something horrifying I felt my nails grow into claws and my teeth into fangs Mr. Black Man laughed evilly "There's no more sweet little Lieutenant now!" He said

Hi I'm Tex I'm Kelly's best friend and I can't find her anywhere. "Kelly!" I called looking for her, no answer. "It's hopeless. She disappears on her birthday when we had the best surprise party planned." I told Master Chief "This is going to get ridiculous." I sat down in frustration wondering where Kelly could be "Look!" cried Anderson pointing at some tire tracks; I ran up to them "You think Kelly could have gotten kidnapped?" I asked Anderson "Why else would these tracks be here and we can't find Jez." He said then started following the tracks. I shrugged and stared to follow them to "The tracks ends over there." Anderson said pointing down the road to a big white house "What the heck is that?" I asked "A house obviously." Anderson said, we ran up to the house then knocked on the door

I opened the door "Kelly?!" I shouted in the house, I heard growling to the left and right of me "Why do I hear growling?" I asked in a lower tone "Because we are surrounded by mutant dog things." Anderson said then got out his gun, I decided to do the same I shot the TV across from us. The mutant dogs yelped "Tex it's me." I heard a voice say it sounded like Kelly's voice "Who's there?" I asked pointing my gun at the mutant dog to my left, the dog changed form into what looked like Kelly "What the heck is going on?!" I asked "Tex it's me Kelly, Remember?" she asked "Of course I remember." I said then ran up then hugged her tightly, she laughed in an evil way then I felt a tingle in my leg I looked down then saw I was bleeding "Kelly, why?" I asked then passed out

The Red Flu: Book 1 in the Last Ship SiresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora