First Day Back

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I was woken by my alarm clock, of course I was running late though. I jumped out of bed and dressed myself, then ran downstairs with my bag and phone, grabbed a granola bar and ran to school.

I got to school and walked the halls with my head down, trying to avoid all human contact. Some random bitch walked into me and I dropped all my things. "Shit" I said and bent over to pick my things up. The girl just ran away from me, leaving me to pick my shit up and walk to class. There was a new English teacher this year, but I didn't know what to think because all the teachers are old farts that are oblivious to everything the students talk about (thankfully).

English wasn't until the end of the day so I didn't have to meet this teacher until later. I walked to the girls bathroom and into one of the stalls and took a cigarette from the pack in my bag. I lit it and took a drag, exhaling the thick cloud of smoke. I put it out on the bottom of my shoe and put it back in the pack. I walked out of the bathroom and to math class.

[English Class]
I walked out of history class and to the bathroom again, to smoke a little more of my cigarette. After that, I was about 5 minutes late but I figured it wouldn't really matter because it's only 5 minutes. I walked into the classroom and sat in the back to avoid all humans at all costs. The teacher, damn was she hot.She didn't look a day over 25. She stared at me for a second then started typing on her computer. She closed the laptop and handed out a paper that said "Who am I?" She said to fill it out then hand it in after.

What's your name? Sarah Paulson
What's your favorite subject? English
What do you hope to learn this year? I don't know, I like poetry and writing
Tell me about yourself. I solitude and music, I don't know I'm kinda boring

I finished filling the page out and walked up to her desk. "Um, here" I said and handed the paper to her. She smiled and took it, holy fuck she has the prettiest blue eyes. I stood there for a minute kind of awkwardly, I don't know what I was doing. A minute or two went by and she re-read the paper, and nodded. She smiled and put the paper on her desk. "If you want you can sign up for after school English, you don't have to though." Her voice was sweet and I wanted to talk to her more, so I nodded. "Yeah sure uh, sign me up" She handed me a paper and I signed it, then sat down at my seat again.

"Okay class, I'm gonna hand you your papers back and you'll read them." She said, and started to pass back the papers. Fuck, I had to talk about myself. I'm the most socially awkward girl here and this was like pushing me on the edge. I ended up reading mine last.

"Um I'm Sarah Paulson, my favorite subject is English, I don't really know what I wanna learn this year I just wanna read and write, and I like solitude and music." I shrugged, "I'm kinda boring I guess sorry" I laughed nervously and put my paper down. Right as I finished the bell rang and everyone flooded out of the classroom and into the halls.

"Oh, Sarah you're staying after, since you signed up for the thing." She started. "Oh I'm Miss Rabe but when it's just you and I you can call me Lily." Wow that's a beautiful name. Lily. We both smiled and she started sorting papers. She stood up and gave me some papers. "Could you sort these? From most writing to least writing, thank you." She smiled and I nodded. I started to sort the papers when she decided to break the silence.

"So, Sarah, what do you like besides writing, reading, solitude and music?" I thought for a second and formed an answer. "I like to watch movies and draw." I said and smiled. "Oh cool! What kind of drawings?" She said and watched me sort papers. "Um I draw cartoons and little comic strips." I set down the papers on her desk and smiled.

"Sounds cute!" She laughed and put the papers in a folder in her desk. She looked to the clock and frowned. "I don't wanna keep you too late, do you need a ride home?" She grabbed her satchel and pushed in her chair. "Yeah, I ran here" I laughed.

I stood up and my pack of cigarettes fell out of my bag. Great. "Shit" I mumbled and grabbed it, putting it back in my bag. Lily frowned and started to speak. "That's not very good for you Sarah" I just shrugged it off and smiled. I live right on maple street, not too far from the school." I said. "Really? Me too!" She giggled, man that was a cute giggle. "Okay cool, let's go." We left the school and got in her car.

When we got to my house she let me out and smiled. "See you tomorrow Lily!" I said and unlocked my door. "Yup, see you tomorrow Sarah!" She drove a few houses down and went in the house.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow.


Hey guys, I hope you liked this, it was just a little something I thought of, tell me if you want more!

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