Only you were worthy

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Dio rested within the coffin. His head sewn on to Jonathan's body, covered in blood from the removal of it's original head. Unfortunately, Dio didn't have time bring Jonathan's head with him, but he managed to get something far more important.

A golden ring. His wedding ring. The proof of his love for one woman and one woman only. You. He removed the one already upon Jonathan's finger and attempts to put his own on. However, Jonathan's fingers are thicker than is own. The ring doesn't fit. A small wave of sorrow went through Dio. It was such a simple thing, yet it pained him nonetheless.

He settled with fumbling it around in his fingers. It was pitch black in the coffin, but he knew exactly what the ring looked like, and what the message inside it was.

"Made in heaven"

Surely the saying was accurate, wasn't it? There can be no other that fit so perfectly with him. A match made in heaven.

His mind wanders. Memories of his childhood and adult life flooded through him.

He remembered his mother and how that shitheel Dario sent her to her grave.

He remembered his youth with Jonathan and the torment he caused the young boy. Did he regret it? No, not really.

But most of all, he remembered you when you arrived in his life.

Your parents left you in the care of Mr. Joestar, as they flaunted about to different countries for their second honeymoon, leaving you by your lonesome.

Oh what a fool he was, not seeing your perfection the moment he laid eyes on you. Perhaps you were too beautiful for him to understand at the time, but in the end, it mattered not.

You were his, and he was yours.

Only perfection was worthy of Dio, and you were it.

Your hair? Perfection

Your eyes? Perfection

Your entire existence?

He remembers the day of your marriage to him. You looked beautiful coming down the aisle in your wedding dress.

Your smiling face as you exchanged your vows.

Your flushed red face beneath him later that night.

Oh how he remembers your blissful moans and cries from that night.

After feeling some pangs of arousal, Dio decided to cut those memories short. Who knows how long he'll be trapped in there, and he certainly didn't want to make a mess because of that mystery.

With little more to do in the cramped space, Dio drifted off into a deep slumber

How long has it been since he's been in this coffin? He knew not.
He only awakened from sleep due to the unusual amount of movement his prison was making.

"There's something written on the chest!" He heard a voice from outside say.

"D.I.O. Dio? What do you suppose that means?" The voice continued.

"Who cares! Just open it up!" Another voice shot back.

Dio couldn't help but smile to himself. He would soon be free. He had only hoped the blasted sun wasn't out, or his freedom would be short lived.

Lucky for him, the sun had set, and Dio had his first meal since being stuck at the bottom of the ocean.

He started to keep a journal after he was freed out into the world. He made plans on obtaining heaven. However, he was missing a few key components. He still need to find a trustworthy friend for the task.

It wasn't long until he met who he was searching for. A young man by the name Enrico Pucci.

He healed the boy's foot and gave him a stand. Initially, Pucci was just another pawn to be used by him, yet Dio found himself to grow fond of him.

Along with his plans about heaven and other random trivia, Dio would sometimes speak of you. Pucci always listened intently whenever you were the subject of the conversation. He was the only one Dio would speak to about you.

It was in fact Pucci that gave Dio an idea of what to do with his wedding ring, since he could no longer keep it on his finger. He suggested it be turned into an earring. Dio had it altered and created another earring to match, albeit without the words engraved inside the original. Now the ring is not only on his person at all times, but is on what is left of his original body.

To Dio, women were nothing more than tools and food. None would ever be as special to him as you were. None would ever bring him as much satisfaction as you did. They were all useless. Nothing but cattle to feed him.

And yet, of the miscellaneous women he encountered, a few reminded him of your perfection. Sometimes it was their hair. Sometimes the eyes. Others, it was the way they moaned beneath him that was so similar to your own.

Though it was foolish of him, he would occasionally spare those women, instead of leaving them as dried up husk of flesh.

They happened to be blessed enough to be similar to you, and got away with their lives.

But not one could ever compare

To perfection


I probably don't need to say this but, Reader isn't actually perfect. It's just Dio referring her as such, because let's be honest. If Dio was to actually marry someone for love, he probably would think of them in such a way.

This is just a little something something I had the urge to write, so enjoy it while I work on my one shot request and "You Certainly are a Strange One"

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