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The music drifted across the room: softly, sweetly. Her face was set in a serene mask and I could tell that the music affected her just as much as it did me. And the rest of the audience for that matter. I glanced quickly behind cushioned seat and took in the awed faces of the others, seated in the massive auditorium. It was packed to the brim with high class folk, their normally posh attitudes gone as their eyes glazed over. I knew how they were feeling. Stunned, astonished, humbled. I felt the same way every day.

As her small fingers danced up and down the keys, I felt a rush of something else. Pride. I stared lovingly at her face, her eyes closed, yet still not missing a beat though the piece sounded particularly complicated.

She was a prodigy. Gifted. Talented. I couldn’t describe her any better. Well that’s not true; she was my other half, the only thing I couldn’t live without. Ever since her father left us, she was the only thing I had to cling to. My life. And her music kept me supported, kept me grounded. Kept me sane. She was the only success I could boast of in this life.  

The little girl on stage finished a complicated little bagatelle and stood up with a large grin. Her eyes sparkled with delight as the applause exploded engulfing the entire auditorium. She gave a tiny little curtsy to the audience and ran off stage right, signifying the end of another successful concert. 

I rushed as fast as I could to find her, blindly shoving people out of my path so as to have the quickest route, ignoring the profanities that were fired my way. Finally I reached her; she was smiling and chatting happily with the crew of people behind the curtains. I shuffled in quietly and stepped behind her laying my arm across her shoulders. She just looked up at me, her eyes shining with so much happiness I couldn’t help but flash a small smile in return.

Despite that, I hurried to pull her away from her new ‘friends’. I didn’t want her talking to strangers: you never know their intentions. You never know why they’re being so nice to you. Until they’ve taken everything and left.

I shook myself of these bitter thoughts. What happened, happened. There was no use bringing her jackass father into this. We had made it fine on our own, and in the end, things had worked out. We were happy now, and I didn’t need anyone but her. I only hoped that she would always feel the same way.


Chatting happily we drove home in my old beat up jeep, not something that was really necessary: we had enough money saved up that we could surely buy a new car. I guess I never felt the need. Maybe she deserved better. She was the one bringing in the money. She was the 9 year old supporting us financially.

I sighed at the thought.  Nothing passed her eyes though, somehow her inquisitive green eyes saw through every act I put on.  She understood far too much for her age.

“What’s wrong Mommy?” Her cute little pigtails bobbed as her head turned, eyes briefly meeting mine before I brought my gaze back to the road ahead of us. I shook my head, trying to clear the negative thoughts that had entered my brain.

“Don’t worry about it sweetie,” I told her. The concern and love shining through her eyes told me everything I needed to know. She loved me. She needed me. I was important. I wasn’t a screw up, in her eyes.

Looking at the soft smile pulling at my lips, she let out a relieved sigh and looked down. I noticed her fingers jumping around on her lap, playing an intricate melody that only she could hear. I longed to listen to her play another song for me. There was something different when she played for only me. The music was mine and mine alone to hold and to cherish. Just like she was mine and mine alone.  I glanced at her face again and saw her brow furrowed into a small frown. Curious, I asked her gently what she was thinking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2011 ⏰

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