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"- In stage five, Wendy, you see that little x mark there? You'll sing there and Soojung will walk in from the left side. Don't forget your lines again and practice more on the choreography, you missed the steps a lot. Soojung, Taehyung will come from the right side. He will come out with some properties so you gotta' toss it to the back and act the scene-" Namjoon tried to explain everything while the some other bands are doing rehearsal.

It was the last day they could plan things out. And they going to perform tomorrow- Soojung's heart beat faster, as she hoped that she wouldn't make any mistakes on the next day. There was going to be a lot of people watching!

The event was held in a biggest park of the city, and the stage they were going to perform at was so big. It even had something like walls on each side and something like roof. It was designed like a castle. And the properties were no joke. The students were working on it, placing the properties and helped with the sound systems.

No matter how amazed Soojung was, she couldn't help but to hear Namjoon first. She didn't want to mess things up. The time she had spent to practice, all the homework that she didn't do, the classes that she didn't attend- it would be meaningless if she messed just a bit. But Taehyung seemed so calm. He listened to Namjoon's words and made a joke out of it; as if tomorrow didn't exist.

"There you go. You understand, right? By the way, i have recorded our plans beforehand. I'll send it via chat and you guys gotta' listen to it before you sleep. Alright?"

The others left immediately and climbed up to the stage – because reaching for stairs at the back was bothersome and it would take a lot of time because people are still busy with the properties– and tried their position. Hoseok, being the first to climb, helped the girls (and the short ones) to climb up. Taehyung grinned at Soojung, "You nervous?"

She glared, "You think? Are you nervous?"

"Not really."


"Well, a bit. I'm more excited than nervous, though." he shrugged, still with that boyish grin.

"Why is that, though? I'm dying of nervousness here." she bit her lips.

He looked away from Soojung and turned to the audiences' seats, "My sister is going to watch me."

Soojung has never seen his eyes glitter like that. So beautiful, and so warm at the same time. His sister must be so precious for him. "What about your parents?"

He smiled, "They're going too. But I rarely meet my sister, so I'm really happy when she said that she was willing to watch."

"I see. My sister is going too. But my parents won't come. They have an appointment with some relatives."

Soojung could feel someone tapped her shoulder, and it was Hoseok. He gave her a wide smile, "You just have to give your best on every single performance. You've worked hard, and so do the others. Make your family proud and, it's not like this is the only performance that you'll do. There are still a lot of events coming! So do your best and good luck! And stop being a dramatic little bitc—"

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