Chapter 10

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Matt's POV

Oh my god.

I instantly wish I was anywhere but in this room, which is a weird thing to be thinking when you are in a room with One Direction. I mean...really.

But of all the questions to ask, why does she have to ask that one right now? What is Niall going to say? What do I even want Niall to say? I can't even think straight right now. I look over at Niall who seems pretty calm about all this and isn't even looking my way. I guess that's a good thing? Niall is just sitting with his hands folded on his lap, looking down and watching himself twiddle his thumbs. Basically looking adorable as always.

Louis jumps in first, always the one to ask for needless clarification of the question. "So is this the last person each of us kissed? Or the last person who kissed us?" Classic Louis.

Liam answered "Stolen kisses from the fans don't count. It's the last mutual kiss you shared with someone."

"Oh, ok. So we're going with mutual kiss, then..." Louis said before bringing his finger to his mouth and thinking for a bit. "Come back to me."

"Louis, this isn't a hard question, mate." Zayn teases.

"Well, the lads probably will argue this, but I can honestly say that the last person I kissed was me mum. Just the other day I was over for a visit." Louis explained.

"That doesn't count, Louis!" Liam fired back.

"What do you mean it doesn't count? The question didn't specify any other exclusions, Liam." Louis countered.

"It's just understood that kissing your mum doesn't count. Everybody knows that!" Liam said.

"Well, you can specify as many extra rules as you want next time, Liam. For now, just answer this nice lady's question." Louis said, motioning toward the interviewer.

"Ugh. Louis, you are something else. Anyway, my last kiss was Sophia, of course. " Liam said with a smile.

"Harry?" Louis prompted.

"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell." Harry answered. "I think it was Kart Perry at an awards show" Zayn said.

"Looks like we saved the best for last. How about our little Irishman?" Liam said, turning to Niall and mussing his blonde hair playfully.

Niall's POV

The entire time I was thinking of what I was going to say. If I'm honest, I was freaking out a little bit, but I tried not to show it. I just sat there and twiddled my thumbs while the other boys argued endlessly.

How can the interviewer ask this question? It's almost like she knows what happened earlier. I kept going back and forth whether I should say anything about kissing Matt. I still wasn't sure how he felt, I just sort of went for it. It felt so right to me, and I think he kissed back. Right? I was so excited I didn't even notice. Or maybe I just imagined what I wanted him to do. Crap. I don't know.

"How about our little Irishman?" Liam said, messing up my hair.

Well, here goes.

"Eh, my last kiss was actually just today." I said as smoothly as possible.

"Oh my god, Niall, you DOG! Was it the hair and makeup lady? I saw you making eyes with her." Louis pressed.

"No, Louis. It wasn't her. It was actually with a fan...but I guess you could say it was stolen." I clarified.

"Those sneaky fans. I was keeping a close eye out for you as we came in, Niall. I should have known if anybody tried anything." Harry commented, looking disappointed, glancing over toward a very confused looking Paul.

"Yeah, I'll have to be more...careful next time, I guess. Anyway, according to Liam's rules that one doesn't really count, so my answer will also have to be Katy Perry, Ha!" I responded, relieved that question was over.

Matt's POV

"Eh, my last kiss was actually just today." Niall answered.


"Oh my god, Niall, you DOG! Was it the hair and makeup lady? I saw you making eyes with her." Louis pressed.

"No, Louis. It wasn't her." Niall answered, his eyes jumping from mine to Liam's, who is currently giving Niall a questioning look with a raised eyebrow.

"It was actually with a fan...but I guess you could say it was stolen." He said. I hope nobody else is noticing that I'm staring directly at Niall and have completely stopped all blinking and breathing activities - and getting those going again is not looking especially good at the moment.

"Those sneaky fans. I was keeping a close eye out for you as we came in, Niall. I should have known if anybody tried anything." Harry commented, looking disappointed, glancing over toward a very confused looking Paul.

"Yeah, I'll have to be more...careful next time, I guess. Anyway, according to Liam's rules that one doesn't really count, so my answer will also have to be Katy Perry. Ha!" Niall responded.

Whew, and breathe. I guess that went as well as it could have. He didn't deny it, but all the others are thinking he locked lips with some crazy fangirl out front. And against his will at that. So skillfully handled, no wonder he's a pop star.

Which just leaves the question, did it mean anything to him?

The guys finish up with their interview quickly after that and we all jump back in their SUV with Paul. The others bug Niall for more details on this kiss, but he doesn't let on much. Just that it happened really quickly and was sort of over before it started. That kind of hurt. I couldn't even look at him again for the entire trip back. It must just all be a joke to him. He is Niall, after all, always laughing, never the serious one. I can't believe I'm letting it get to me this much.

I try to sit back and hold it together until we get to my house.

"Thanks again guys. Today was so great, I really enjoyed it." I say, putting on the best smile I can muster and still avoiding looking at Niall.

The boys respond with in a melody of "no problem's" and "thanks for coming's", when Niall speaks up.

"I'll see you later, ok" he says with a wink that I almost missed. Why does he do that to me?

"Yeah, see you later" I reply, not sure if I entirely mean that or not.

I close the door and walk slowly back to my house. Oddly, my mum is home and busy in the kitchen.

"Hey, Matt. Were those some friends of yours? What did you do today?" she asks.

"I don't even know, Mum ." I answer as I trudge up the stairs to my room.

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