Chapter 6

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Picture credit: sidewomanxixedits on tumblr

Josh's POV

I looked at all the stuff that belonged to the girls. We had Emily, Rose, Courtney and Luci. They were all good looking girls don't get me wrong but their lucks won't stop me from anything, if needed. I went into the back room where we keep all cleaning products and household things. I grabbed a box and left. I put all the items in the box and took it to the back room.

I opened the door and saw the girls sat on the beds. "Hello boss" Tobi and JJ both said. "Hello everyone" I said and put the box down. "Do you girls know why you are here?" I asked them. "You kidnapped us" Luci spoke. I chuckled, "True, you are here because you are our hostages. If we let you go you will go to the cops and bah, blah, blah" I said. "W-we won't though" Rose trembled. "How do we know that though?" I asked looking at her. "You can trust us" Rose said. I walked towards her, "I don't" I said in her face. "Yo fuck face, back the fuck away from her" I knew who that was without even having to look. I stood up straight and saw Emily glaring at me, "JJ" I said and JJ grabbed a hold of her. "If you do anything stupid I will hurt you" I grumbled. "Fine" she mumbled. "Can we get some food? We haven't eaten in a while" Courtney said. I looked to her, "Sure, come along" I said. Tobi unlocked their handcuffs as they couldn't escape and we'd soon catch them anyways. "Sit at the island" I said and they did so. Ethan, Vikk, Harry and Simon came up to us, "Are these the girls?" Simon asked and I nodded. "Yes Simon. Meet Luci, Courtney, Rose and Emily, everyone" I said smiling. Simon waved slightly, "Hi" he said. Tobi put some cold pizza in front of them, "That or you starve" he said and they began to eat it.

Tobi's POV
After the girls had finished eating I took away the plates. "Now what do we do?" Luci asked looking to me then Josh. "You will go to your bedroom and sleep until morning. That is when I will decide what you will do" Josh said. "I'll take them" I said as they stood up. "Down that way" I said pointing down the hallway. I looked and saw Rose, I think, stumble and catch up to Emily. "It's okay darlin' just take it easy" I said to her as we walked. Rose nodded looking at me; I feel if Josh sees her as weak she'll be the one who gets it worse. I opened the door and they all walked in. "I'm not sure what time you'll be woken up. I'm guessing around 8 or 9 so be ready by then" I said. "What work will be doing?" Courtney asked. "I don't know maybe cleaning our cars or something like that. Josh will tell you tomorrow" I said. "Why should we work?" Emily asked me. "We can't just let you lounge around and do fuck all now can we?" I said and she sighed rolling her eyes. "Goodnight" I said headed for the door. "Excuse me...?" I turned to see Rose. "It's Tobi and how can I help?" I asked her. "Can I get some paracetamol, I have a headache?" She asked in such a sweet voice. "Yeah of course I'll go and get you some" I said and smiled at her. "Thank you, Tobi" she said shyly. I nodded then left to get some paracetamol. I got it and went back to the bedroom. I went inside and handed the tablets to her along with a glass of water. "Goodnight ladies" I said and left. I locked the door then hung the key up. I sighed before heading to my room to shower.

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