First day of the last year

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~Veteri's POV~


I heard my mother's voice boom through the temple telling me to get out of bed. I groaned and threw my legs over the edge of the bed before getting up and trudging to the bathroom.  Today was my first day as a senior in high school. Being the daughter of a goddess doesn't mean that I don't have to get an education.

I did my morning routine including washing. Then I made my way to the dining hall where I saw my mother and cousins eating a meal. I grabbed a bundle of grapes and kissed my mother on the cheek before heading out the door and towards the portal down to earth. The thing about the portal is that wherever you wish to go on earth, it will take you there. Even if it's to the bottom of the ocean.

Alas, right now I needed to be to school before I was late. So I told the portal to take me to school and soon enough the bright golden light engulfed me and next thing I knew I was standing in front of my high school.

I attend Shadowblood High. It is a safe haven and school for any mythical, mythological, or supernatural creature and being. The school is invisible to humans so as far as they know it doesn't exist. There was a great variety of creatures here from sirens and dragons to werewolves and demigods. We all get along most of the time but there are times when our instincts get the better of us but it never ends in death. Just...broken bones and blood. No big deal.

I finished my grapes and kneeled on my knees with the leftover in my hands. I placed it in the ground and used my powers to create a new live vine. Satisfied with my work I walked into the school and to my locker where a familiar red head was waiting for me. My bestfriend Yasmin. She's a dragon. As I opened my locker she started with the daily gossip. Her specialty.

" Hey Veteri did you see the new girl yet?" She said with her fiery spark in her eyes.

" No, I just got in. You're the first person I've seen today." I told her closing my locker. She nodded and we walked to our first classes of the day.  We went our separate ways when we reached the heart of the school. Literally. The school was enchanted and is actually living with a pulsating heart in the middle of the building. Pretty cool huh? Anyway I walked through the corridor the west wing of the school that my ancient Egyptian history class is in.

Almost all the students had been seated by the time I walked in and the teacher's head turned to look at me before smiling warmly.

" Good morning, Uncle Anubis"  I smiled at him and went to my seat in the back of the class.  You may be thinking how Anubis is my uncle. Well, all of the gods and goddesses are actually pretty close. Sure they were all born at different times and ruled over different lands but they mostly all get along and I grew up knowing most of them. Unfortunately, just because I was close with the teacher it didn't mean that I automatically got straight A's. My mother insisted that I work for my grades like everybody else but enough with my backstory. Class is about to start.

I looked towards the front of the classroom where Uncle Anubis started to write on the board as the last of the students piled into the room. I didn't pay them any attention until a head of Raven hair caught my eye. I turned my head to look at who it belonged to and I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. She had a curvy body, creamy skin, long Raven hair that looked more like silk, and bright blue eyes that seemed to suck my very soul out of my body. I could feel my witch screaming at me to go and wrap my arms around our enchanted but the look in her eyes told me that would be a very bad idea. I was in shock at the look she was giving me and was thinking of anything I could've done to make her look at me that way. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed that she was walking towards my table until she sat down next to me and snapped her fingers in front of my face. She looked me up and down once before opening her mouth to speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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