Chapter 5

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I do not own this video

To help you understand what's going on:
'Finger quotations'
I will put this in every chapter and if I needed will add more

wait to play song

Marie's POV

Every one started looking at me and Vincent at the suggestion that someone needs to go out there and get the people out out there

"oh no, nononono, no, I am not going out there I could die I don't want to die like that." I franticly shake my head

"But what about the people out there I bet they don't want to die either, don't you want to help them." Jeremy throws back at me,  dang it he knows my weakness

"FFFFfffiiiiiine, I hate all of you." I say as I grab my flash light while rolling my eyes and lightly tug Vincent out the door

I let go of him and run to the end of the hallway and I look around, were are all the nightmares hiding tonight?  I probably passed some that were in the party rooms

Vincent silently made his way over to me, now I'm not as nervous as I probably should be but this obviously isn't my first time doing this

" they were in the second main party room" I tell him as he looks around as well

the first time we really started exploring the hallways while the animatronics were moving around was when we were all a bit bored and Fritz triple dared every one

Vincent walked around in the hallway looking into the party rooms we needed to know were every one was at it would be safer that way

Fritz tripled dog dared every one to go running around every were but the office till they thought they couldn't handle it any more, Vincent one and I got second place according to Fritz

He came back over "two in the party rooms" I nod and we run the end of the hallway and enter the 2nd main party room we stand in the door way assessing the situation

I saw the guys split up on into the arcade and the other into prize corner

and Bonnie was hunting one of them down

"I get one you get one" I say to Vincent not taking my eyes off of Bonnie Vincent nods and runs with just about inhuman speed of to the arcade and that leaves me with Bonnie and the other guy

Well an't  that fantastic I think sarcastically

I run and slide under Bonnie, not the best thing to do in a skirt, I stood up and dusted my self off when I fist suddenly comes flying towards my face luckily I am great at dodging you should see me in dodge ball in school, any ways they missed and I took a step back and the guy pulls out a gun, "VINCENT!" I shout in alarm I put my hands up I cant stop my hands from shaking more than they usually do "Look I don't c-care if you w-want to steal anything or y-you came in here because of a dare or s-something, b-but y-your in d-ddd-danger if we stay here." I stutter

I couldn't tell who the man was the prize corner was to dark till  the guys in the office turned the light on from the camera

"Dean?!" I exclaimed in shock (play song now)

"uh hey, Marie." he says while putting his gun down 

My eyes get wide

"Well, shit... D-dean l-ll-look there isn't m-much time I need you to f-follow me very closely so we can get to the office safely and not d-die.hehehe" I say trying not to freak out and look quickly behind me

Bonnie has gotten closer to the room I turn back to Dean he looks at me and then behind me and nods "alright lead the way" I turn around and run out the room and turn towards the arcade narrowly missing Bonnies out stretched arm I look behind me as I'm running

Dean came running out of the room and ducked down under Bonnies hand as he ran I turned forward and slam into Vincent

I glare at him and of course he has that stupid garbage eating Cheshire cat grin on

he nods and we run as fast as all are legs could carry us and into the hallway back to the office

as we come into the hallway with the party rooms, Toy Chica decided to pop out of one of the rooms into the hallway

I ran into it as every one els ran around,

I slowly backed up as it turned towered me, shit.

I can see the guys behind it, they had stopped running to the office and is now watching things go down, when Dean suddenly and very quickly brought out his gun and shot Toy Chica.

There was a loud bang, every one froze, Toy Chica turned her head to the side, her eyes and mouth fell off, and her eyes becoming the creepy black.
SHIT! he just made it worse!

Toy Chica then charged toward Dean "Vincent!" Dean looked kinda pissed and freaked out and ducked under its arm as it swat at him and ran in my direction "Dean grab Sam and run into Party room B, and crawl through the vent, it will lead you to the office and you'll be safer-ish there." I directed Dean

As Dean and Sam ran going to the vents Vincent was keeping Toy Chica distracted "now!" I called out to him he caught one of her hands about to hit him and flashed his flash light right into her face and shoved her face at the wall not doing any damage but at least disorienting it and then we ran into the office were Mike and Scott were holding flashlights ready to blind animatronics, Jeremey getting the first aid kit, Fritz eyes on the monitors and Dean helping Sam of the ground.

"Alright, I know you are probably having a mental crisis or something after experiencing what just happened out there..., but uh we have a perfectly good explanation, if we can all stay calm, we can talk rationally about this." I said while walking over to Dean and Sam

"Ok" Sam says calmly while looking curiously around

"I think every one here is calm, I would love to here what you think is going on." Dean says while crossing his arms sassily

"um, I uh were do I start." I was taken aback at how calm these guys were

"How about we start with, you ask questions and we answer them, make it easer for every one." Fritz suggest

"I think that may have been the best idea you have had all day" Mike chimes in

Jeremy comes over and stars cleaning the burns and cuts I got on my legs from sliding, I pat his head in thanks

"Alright, uh why wouldn't you answer our questions from this morning?" Sam asks

"I'll answer that one," Scott calls out at the doorway to the big hallway "See the restaurant has a bad history with the police, with the lost children, and some health issues, and its been shut down many times already, and the problem is we don't want this place to shut down again because it could be for good next time...*flashes light down hallway* this is the only job any of us could really get any thing els would be rather difficult." Scott finishes

"Yeah, don't go telling who ever you work for about any of this, hard to get a job and I don't need to go through that hassle again." Mike buts in 

"If you do I just might have to hunt you down." Vincent suddenly speaks in his deep, dark, smooth,  almost creepy voice

Sam and Dean give him a look that I couldn't place and Vincent lets out a slow almost evil chuckle

and its suddenly very quite and awkward, well it looks like its going to be along night

A/N: Im changing things up a bit and having one persons pov per chapter and im going to do Deans for chapter 6  and maybe scotts next we will see how it goes.

FNAF Supernatural crossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora