Chapter 6

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It wasn't long til the Outsiders made their real reasons for visiting John Marcus's village known. They have been infesting the place for maybe a total of six months before they started their terrible initiative.
John was at the stream again, splashing in the freezing knee deep water, most likely against his mothers wishes.
It was all silent except for the sound of running water and uplifted droplets splashing back into the stream.
Then for one heartbeat, everything was deathly silent.

It was that kind of silence that happens in movies, just before the murderer strikes.

That's when the screams started, high pitched and blood curdling.
John froze, terror gripped his heart as blind instinct threw him back to his village. The screams grew louder and more desperate as he rushed through trees, he didn't even notice the scratches blossoming across his exposed arms and legs.
He tore the dusty familiar trail back to his home, expecting to see his parents in the wooden doorway, with worried expressions on their faces. They would smile when they saw him coming across the tree line, safe and sound. They would tell him everything was alright, there was just a misunderstanding. Then he would take his sister to go get some candy from the kind eyed Outsider, because his seven year old mind couldn't fathom a different situation.
He approached his wooden home, and his parents were not in the doorway. Instead, the door was slightly ajar, an eerie silence replacing the happy greetings his mind had conjured. He slowed his sprint to a trot, apprehension made his feet move like he was wading though a viscous substance.
As he neared the doorway, he called out softly, coming to a complete stop.

He was not answered.

A pudgy hand pushed the door all the way open. Outside light flooded the horrific scene.

His parents. Staring unseen at the ceiling. Unmoving.

His Sister. Gone.

The Kind-Eyed Outsider. Looming above the terrible scene like death itself.
His eyes now cold.

"How far do you think you fell anyway?" I asked John Marcus as I helped him limp back to Healer's home. He snorted and then grimaced like the movement caused him pain.
"How far do you think I fell,"
"I don't know.... Six-hundred feet?"
He chuckled. Then flinched. Then chuckled again. Then flinched again. I watched him break down into a mixed fit of weak laughs and grimaces. I wondered if that was healthy at all, then worried for the upmost time that maybe he would pass out before I got him to Healer. I also wondered why he had even run away in the first place, and I also worried about the fact that he was willing to club an unsuspecting person to death. My mind was so full of confusing questions that I just decided to shut them out for a moment and give my mind a much deserved rest.
Eventually John Marcus just crumbled to the ground and lay there for a moment.
"How do you think I survived a six hundred foot drop," he finally managed to say after a couple of minutes of me glaring at him. Immediately an embarrassed blush burned my cheeks and I turned away. I hated it when people looked at me like I was stupid.

"Well, excuse me, but that's how tall the mountains seem from all the way down here," True enough, I had no way of knowing how tall the mountins were, but I didn't need a bipolar Outsider pointing that out. I growled, about ready to stalk off and leave him on the ground. His changing attitude was really beginning to rub me the wrong way.
John Marcus sucked in another few deep breaths. "Alright, I'm ready," He mumbled and trying to push himself up he winced, and fell stiffly down again. I had half the mind to leave him in the forest to the mercy of the elements, and never see him again, but I quickly shot down the idea. In his state, I doubted he could survive one night out in the unforgiving trees, but then I reconsidered. Look where underestimating John Marcus had got me this morning.
Rolling my eyes, I reached out a hand to help him stand and he gladly took it, using me to pull himself up. The force of the movement made my toes dig into the hard, frozen soil beneath them.

"You never did answer my question," I accused as I helped steady him on his swaying feet. The Outsider only chuckled and ignored my statement.

We lapsed into a sort of silence, walking in a strange rythem together. John Marcus had taken it upon himself to use my shoulder as his own personal crutch, leaning a great deal of weight onto it. I didn't mind though, seeing as I forgot my jacket when I rushed out of the door. His natural body heat warmed my own body as we slowly made our way to Healer's. His face was so close to mine, I could feel his warm, unsteady breath on the back of my numb neck, and it sent shivers down my spine. I wondered if he was just doing it on purpose to make me feel uncomfortable, or if he was just generally struggling. I chose to believe the latter, seeing as that option made the most sense.

By the time we made it back to Healer's home, the sun was rising, the mountains casting a long, inky shadows across the valley floor. Both the Outsider and I were now limping, our two forms appearing as if two personages had had a bit too much of spirits to drink and now had to use the other as their own crutch. My feet had been stinging painfully with every step, the bitter cold snow seeping up through the thick skin of my soles and settling into the bones residing there. John was panting beside me. I guessed the trek was taking more out of him than I had originally thought. His eyes were half lidded, and I wondered fleetingly if he was going to either pass out, or vomit where he stood. I severely hoped neither would happen before we reached Healer's, and we continued stumbling across the frozen ground.


I dropped John Marcus quite unceremoniously onto the cot that he had claimed the night before. He landed with a soft mumf, but didn't make any other protest to my rough treatment.

Healer was standing by our fireplace, a stern look on her wrinkled face, and I knew that I really didn't want to be present for the scolding the Outsider was about to receive.
John seemed to sense this too, and he had the decency to look sheepish when she turned her dark glare towards him. To my great surprise though, she turned her vexed look towards me.
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" She hissed through her aging teeth.
I started, wondering whatever is was she could be talking about.... wait.
Theo! Of course I had training with him today and he would obviously be cross with me if I even showed up a moment late. That was just the type of person he was, he was a good man, but a strict teacher who wasn't afraid to scold me when I neglected my duties. I knew Healer would be amiable in telling Theo I was sick and unable to preform my duties today if needed; but I had found John Marcus fast enough that I could make it to training with little to no problems.
Turning away from Healer I flew up the few wooden stairs that led me to Ben and I's shared room. Irked at the Outsider for being the one to cause my distress, I slowed my pace to a quick trot, As to hoping I wouldn't awake Ben. Soon set to work in getting ready for the rough day I knew I had ahead of me. My shoulders and upper arms were sore and stiff from when I had dragged the Outsider here.

I pondered John Marcus's unbelievable strength as I pulled on an extra shirt. He didn't seem like the strong type. The boy was lean and tall, not unlike Theo, who could still beat even the largest Protectors with his quick wit combined with restrained strength. Maybe John was pumping with adrenaline and that's how he was able to get up and leave despite his numerous injuries. I had heard stories of mothers fighting off wolves to protect their young with their own hands. Maybe it was the Outsiders natural survival instinct that allowed him to push himself to his limits. Nonetheless it didn't make me any less angry with him, and I was still fuming slightly when I made my way downstairs.

I ducked through the downstairs room as to not disturb the drying herbs that hung precariously overhead. Healer noticed me and signaled me to be silent. Curious, I glanced to where I had last seen John, the cot that I dropped him upon earlier. To my surprise, I noticed John Marcus was asleep on the cot, curled up like a small child, his chest rising and falling rhythmically   with each deep breath. I snorted, rolling my eyes. God knows he needed the sleep.

I nodded my head to Healer and waved her a quick farewell before proceeding to make my way out, already tired and knowing I had a lot more in store for today.

Over The EdgeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora