Thankyou :')

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can i just say

I've never thanked you

for your incredible comments

and your beautiful messages

i read them

every single one

and that's alot..

you,all of you

you keep me going

you keep me fighting

and i honestly dont think i would be here if it wasn't for you

sure you spam my email

but...we can over look that :)

you guys are my light

you keep me breathing

my writing Is me expressing myself

and none of you even know me

but you've all accepted me

and that means more than you can ever know

Im sorry if ive ever made you feel Crap.ever.

Im so so sorry

i wish i could Thankyou

words can't explain how grateful

when i see how many reads i have(which i do everyday :) )

i am completely and utterly over whelmed

i mean i cry sometimes

to think so many people understand me

so many want to read what i wrote


that's crazy.

i wanna know about you

tell me

where your from

your problems

your favourite band


tell me how no one listens

and you wish you could disappear

and i swear to you

i will listen


i never dedicate my writing

because they're dedicated to all of you.

every single one of you

i love you all so much :')


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