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He was sitting across from August in a comfy chair, content with biting his short nails to the quick. Yes, he was a nail bitter. Disgusting habit, he knew. He used to do it as a young child, has pictures to show for it but he stopped around kindergarten, five years old. But then when that fifteen year old girl swooned him to losing his virginity at eight years old, the habit came again; stronger this time and harder to break. He eventually broke it a year and a half or so later. But when he was going through puberty, he went through a horrid lisping stage. He lisped when he talked, when he sang, everything. His peers made fun of him, when he got signed his fans made fun of him. You can guess what he started doing next, old habits die hard. But when his lisping stopped, the urge for his old habit stopped as well. And then when he was twenty and going through the whole Rihanna scandal. That was the worst time of his life, he didn't think his career or he himself would recover from his actions on that night. His nail biting got to the point that it would cause serious bleeding. And this time the habit was nearly unbreakable, it took three years to stop completely. And now fast forward four years from that and guess what returned? Yep you guessed it, his nail biting.

He rocked gently back and forth in the chair, his red a deep and hot shade of red as he self consciously chewed his nails in front of his boyfriend. Just the fact that he was doing it around August was enough to uncomfortable nestle him on the verge of crying his eyes out in embarrassment. He hated this old habit, it was disgusting, shameful and just plain embarrassing. But atlas, it seemed he would never be able to stop it.


August looked down at him from were he sat on top of the examining table, elbow on his upper thigh close to his knee and cheek resting in the palm of the hand belonging to it. He gently swung his feet as he studied his boyfriend best he could through his blurry vision. His fear of losing his eyesight was gone now and replaced by the overwhelming feeling of regret and guilt for after sleeping with India in the first place. And for missing that date he had with Chris that night. For the rest of his life he would never forget the scene he was presented with when he stumbled into his master bedroom with him. All the ruined burned out white candles, all the red rose petals, all the used tissues and two empty tissue boxes on the floor beside the bed where he had been crying his eyes out. He'd never forget laying in bed selfishly thinking about all the fun he had had last night as he watched from the corner of his eye a smiling Chris picking up all the used tissues, empty tissue boxes, ruined candles and useless red rose petals. Things like that, the things had he has done to Chris these past few months have been resurfacing in his mind. All the times he didn't hold him to sleep, all the times he hurt his feelings, all the tissues he spend wiping up the tears he had caused, all the nights he knew he didn't sleep waiting up for him to go over like he promised not knowing he was too busy passed out in another's bed after having sex with the owner.. all of this. ANd it was unbelievable for him to think that Chris stilled loved him. Sure he didn't quite know about the cheating, but still all those tears and lonely nights alone some have been enough to make him stop loving him. But he never did. For the first time in his life August can truly say he's with a person who loved him and cared for him, more it seems than he did himself. That never happen before, August always dated the gold diggers and tramps, the female players and the grade A thots. And let's be real, he was dating Christopher Maurice Brown, the public has never exactly depicted him like the world's best person or anything so he was expecting him to be like the rest, if not worse. So yes, it's safe to assume the he played Chris before Chris would play him. Only Chris never had any intentions of playing him. And it was only now that he realized this. Now that he was sick, losing his eyesight, now that there was a possibly he would never see Chris's beautiful face again, or see any of those special memories that he always was trying to created when August just couldn't be bothered to, it was now that he realized just how much Chris loved him and how he didn't live halfway up to the expectations he held himself to for being a good boyfriend. Actually he was like the world's worse boyfriend. He felt like the world's biggest douche. Yeah, if he lost his eyesight and went completely blind and Chris never wanted to have anything to do with him ever again, he would deserve it. All of it.

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