The Endings

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Sometimes there is no

Next time, no second chance.

Sometimes it it

Now or never.

So if you're lucky enough

To get a second chance

At something,


Don't waste it.

I think it's so sad when

Someone wastes their second chance

Doing what they did

To need that extra chance


Hazel's POV

He gave his life to me. He didn't know me and he had no reason to do what he did. He didn't need to. Yet he did. I wake up with his heart pounding hard in my chest. I refuse to call it my heart. It may be my body, but it's his heart. I get up and stretch. I have to sit back down and take a breath. His heart pounds. It feels as though I'm working it too hard. I stand up again, but this time slower. My head pounds. I get up and get dressed. I eat a banana and go out the door. I walk to school and go to class. School flies by and in no time I am back home. I'm sweating profusely. Suddenly a gush of nausea washes over me as I run to to the bathroom. I lean over the toilet and puke up everything I ate that day. I got up and began to feel dizzy.

"What's going on with me?" I thought.

I sit back down on the floor and flush the toilet. I lay on the wall and quietly sing.

"It's not about not about angels."

I stand back up slowly and walk over to the chair. I've had his heart for a week. I want to make it up to his family, but have no clue how. My throat starts to softly burn and I begin to cough uncontrollably. My head pounds. Soon enough I'm screaming and crying. My mother runs in and runs a tissue across my face. She holds it up and splashed in a line is a red substance. Blood. My blood. I'm coughing up blood. My mother rushes to grab me. We start to slowly walk out the door. She puts me in the car and we start to drive. My coughing only gets worse and more intense. We get to the hospital and the nurses recognize me and rush me to critical care. There they give me medicine and take some tests. After thirty or so minutes of sitting around after the test, they come back. They bring my mother back into the hall. I close my eyes, but this time, no lyrics spin and no dreams of life is to be seen. I hear muffled sobbing. My mum is sobbing. No the sobs are deeper. My father? Crying for me. I'm a mess. The doctors come back in. My mum's eyes are bright red and her cheeks are stained with tears. My father isn't even trying to hold it back. My mum grabs my hand and smiles at me. She opens her mouth to say something, but then closes it again. The doctor looks at her then leaves. My mother looks at me. I cry. She starts to cry and then looks me in the eyes and begins to speak.

"Listen to me. The heart is failing, but there are options and treatments to follow. We could-" I cut her off.

"No. For seventeen years there has been treatments and options. They never work. Please stop. I'm not eighteen yet so whatever you say, goes, but please respect me and my decisions. Please." Both my parents look at me with shock. The walk out of the door and talk to the doctors. Then my mum comes back in and drives me home. Suddenly she speaks up.

"You have about one week they say." I nod silently and continue to look at the road. She speaks again.

"Do you want to do anything?" I shake my head. She nods and continues driving.

I decide that I won't go to school for the week and just sit in my bed and watch Danisnotonfire on YouTube for six days. On the last day of my life apparently, I get up and throw up. I decide that I won't spend my last day in pity. I email Dan's support group email telling him my life story and that this is my last day at life. I get a reply almost immediately.

Dear Hazel,

I'm terribly sorry to hear that. If it's okay with you, I would like to put your story on the internet. I would love to meet you, but considering that this is your last day alive, I'm not sure that would work.

I send a quick email back and look at my clock. 11:00 on the dot. I get out of my bed and into my car. I drive the lake where me and Isabelle first met. I look at the clock again. 11:15. I decide to do what I hadn't done in a long time. I call her. She arrives at the lake at 11:25. I tell her my story and we cry together. I look at my phone. 11:40. I grab her face and kiss her. She asks what that was for. I say that I don't know, but kiss her again. Our tears mix as our lips connect. We put our foreheads together and cry. I say thank you and kiss her again. She says that she needs to go home. She asks if I need a ride home. I tell her that I want to stay here and we kiss one more time before she leaves. I hear her cry as she goes. She leaves at 11:55. I close my eyes and sing. I think of lyrics. I think of what my future should have been. I start to cry.

"Why was I given this second chance if I'm just going to die!?" I scream up and the sky. The stars stream bright as it begins to rain. I text Isabelle.

You: Call my parents and tell them where I am.

I look at my phone. 12:00. I close my eyes again. My mind is blank and my body feels fuzzy. I feel fuzzy overall. I hear a car drive in. My mind goes blank. My breathing fastens. I hear my mother scream. My father cries. I feel my mother's hand on my arm. I open my eyes. I speak.

"I'm sorry." My voice comes out hoarse. I feel my eyes get heavy and weighing down. The last thing I hear is my father and mother sobbing. I feel them shaking me. I know they're blaming themselves. There is nothing they could do. I let out my last breath.

Maybe they'll forgive me. Maybe they'll never move on. Maybe they will blame me or themselves. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. I don't know. I know one thing only. They will never forget me. 

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