Lost Love (Peterick Drabble)

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Pete was walking outside getting ready for band practice. He was putting his flute together when someone caught his eye. He was short and had strawberry blond hair with a trucker hat covering it. Pete couldn't help but smile at this new person. It was like love at first sight. Pete found out that he was the color guard instructor. Pete loved watching him twirl flags and throw rifles. He couldn't concentrate on marching because he was watching the color guard instructor. He tensed up when he marched past him on the field. He got yelled at a lot, but he didn't care. This instructor was hot.

  At the first football game when the announcer said the names of the instructors, Pete found out the instructor's name was Patrick.

  "Patrick...cute name for a cute guy." Pete smiled like an idiot right there on the field.

  Pete even took spy pictures of Patrick. He would hold the phone to his side and subtly take a picture. When he got home, Pete would look at the pictures and smile. When Patrick would do his cute laugh Pete forgot everything. Patrick was basically the light of his life. Pete was in a bad place before the band season started. He was getting therapy for being depressed and cutting himself. But Patrick made him forget everything bad in his life.

The Tuesday before national championships Pete ran into Patrick.

  "I'm sorry!"

  "It's okay." Pete smiled nervously. Patrick smiled back. Pete was giddy for the rest of that practice. He was ecstatic when he found out Patrick was on the same bus as him.

  When the band was at Baltimore Inner Harbor, Pete got a call.

  "Hello?" Pete was nervous, this was a number he didn't recognize.


  "Who is this?"

  "This is Rachel." Rachel was Pete's section's leader.

  "We're at Pf Chang's. We assumed you didn't wanna go so we didn't invite you." That hurt Pete, because he did wanna go. He went over there, got a little talking to from Rachel, and then sat down. He noticed Patrick was at the table next to him, laughing and eating. Pete quickly took a picture.

  At states, Pete cried because he would miss Patrick too much.

  The off season came and went. Pete was so happy to get back and see Patrick. Instead, he saw a fat guy and a girl dressed in provocative clothing. Pete was shocked. They couldn't be... When they started teaching the color guard, Pete knew something was wrong. Where was Patrick, his crush? What happened to him? Pete knew from then on that he hated these people. He even nicknamed them Slut and Cheeseburger.  When the season trudged along, Pete started cutting again and looked the other way when he walked or marched past them. He growled at them and flipped them off every chance he had. He cried during sets because he wanted things to be the same as last year.

  When nationals came along, Pete said good riddance to this season. He wanted to get away from it as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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