Double Dipper: The After-Party

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'and remember what we talked about..." Tyrone said in a rushed tone as he melted away.
"O-of course!" Dipper replied
"And quit being such a wimp around Wendy, okay? For my sake" Tyrone finished before gurgling and becoming a puddle.
"Tyrone!" Dipper exclaimed, "you were the only one who understood"

It had been anything but a party for Dipper that evening. What started as a simple way to get teens to visit the shack had turned into the most stressful and disastrous night Dipper had ever experienced. All he had wanted was one dance. Just one dance with the red head that meant so much to him. Instead he overthought everything and ended up ruining his chances because he got in the way of himself (literally). To make matters worse, the only person who could truly understand what he was going through had just been liquified. Dipper sighed before pouring some Pitt Cola on the roof to wash away what was left of Tyrone.

Maybe I finally deserve some time to just relax in my room in the shack Dipper thought to himself. He climbed down from the roof and made his way inside. Before entering, however, he tore up the complicated plan he had made just hours before. Plans for an event that seemed very unlikely, even impossible, now.

"Dipper! Where have you been? Meet my girlfriends!" Mabel exclaimed as soon as he entered the shack.
"I, uh, oh hi" Dipper greeted
"Dipper, this is Candy and Grenda. Candy and Grenda, this is my dorky twin bro-bro Dipper" Mabel introduced
Candy blushed and giggled while Grenda grasped his hand and ferociously shook it up and down while screaming "NICE TO MEET YOU"

As soon as she let go, Dipper began to walk away quickly while shaking his hand to rid the pain Grenda's firm grasp had caused. Mabel was laughing before noticing Dipper's expression as he walked.
"One moment gals, I'll be right back" and she began to walk towards Dipper.

There she is. Sitting on the couch, not knowing how much I just want one dance. One song. 3 minutes tops just with her. The feeling that there's no one in the world but us an-
"Okay, Dipper, what's the matter?" Mabel cut off his thoughts.
"What?" Dipper asked, snapping out of it, "Oh, it's nothing"
"Come on Dipper. Let's go to our room and talk it out. I gosta know," she said, laughing at herself. Dipper didn't do as much as smile while Mabel dragged him upstairs.

"Okay, spill" she said, plopping him on his bed
"It's just that," Dipper looked up at Mabel then back down at his feet, "I got in my own way. You were right, okay? I probably could've done it, but I tried to take the easy way out. A-And Robbie made her laugh and probably danced with her, I don't know. But regardless I never got my dance with her and... and now it's too late. I just need to be alone for awhile. You go ahead and party without me." Dipper said
"Dipper! Come on! Wendy's still down there and the night's still young! Even better there's no one here but us! All the guests went home. Now's your time to shine!" Mabel exclaims
"N-no really. I'm not feeling up to it, but don't let me hold you up. I'm just going to reread the journal" he said, pulling the torn maroon book from his bookshelf.

Mabel frowned before and idea began to form, and she smiled slyly. "Okay bro bro but if you change your mind, come on down". Dipper nodded and Mabel left the room with a plan of her own.

She snuck back downstairs and waved for Candy and Grenda to follow her into the corner.
"Okay ladies, my bro needs our help. We gotta get that red head over there to dance with him so that he can be happy forever and they can get married and have kids and I can be an aunt and they can live happily ever after. Got it? Here's the plan..." and so Mabel explained her idea to her two girlfriends and they began to execute it immediately.

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