
17 3 2

How can you be so oblivious to how much I love you. 

I fucking love you? I don't know what love is not now, not yet. 

But I know that when I thought of you I could see myself holding your hand. 

Feeling genuinely happy. 

I cared about you more than I cared about my own well being. 

Everyone knows how much you mean to me, except you of course. 

It's quite confusing. 

You want a relationship, to be loved and to love someone else. 

To have someone call you their own. 

Yet the thought of commitment continues to baffle you. 

But how can you have one without the other? 

Months of planning that would lead up to the day I finally got the guts to ask you. 

Although I've yet to ask, I've lost all hope.

Cause I found out you'd rather be with somebody else

My blood no longer boils with this new found jealousy. 

I'm left in tears and you're completely unaware of how much of a fool I am for you. 

I feel dumb for thinking there was a possibility that you'd say yes to me. 

Your ethereal beauty continues to amaze me.

Everything about you entrances me.

Like I'm under your spell.

But I don't mind.

I truly and deeply care about you.  

So this my friend is the ballad of my brain, my heart.

Cause I'm trapped, I'm caught up in everything about you.

I love you...

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