First It's Sweet, Then It's Sour

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[A/N: HIs smILe FudGES Me uP]

"Ma, I'm home." I said weakly, all my energy drained from the exhausting day at school.

"Honey~ I have some exciting news!" My mom popped out of no where and clung onto my arm, pulling me into the living room, "Sit, Sit. You'll be super excited to hear this news!" She prompted.

"Oh, God, Mom did you buy another boat? You know we-"

"Shut up for a second my dear child. This involves men." She maliciously smiled, knowing that would get my attention.

"I'm all ears."

I'm not boy crazy, just lonely, okay?

"Okay, so, you know how you've complained all your life about how you're an only child because the house is lonely and all. Well, complain no more, Sweetie! A friend of mine has a son who is, if I say so myself, very gorgeous. She is moving to the U.S with her husband but she wants her son to finish his education here. So, being the great friend and mother I am, I offered him to stay here!" My mom clasped her hands and eagerly waited for my reaction.

"Um, well, this is news..." I processed the idea of a guy in my house. From the dramas I watched, this could be a great idea. "Okay, I'm cool with it. What's his name? What school does he go to?"

"He goes to your school. His name is Choi Junhyuk! Totally husband material!" My mom squealed at the idea of me getting married to someone as perfect as him.

"Mom, Choi Junhyuk?! CHOI JUNHYUK?? Of all people?? He's so- well how do I put it- he's different." I tried to calm down but of all people why him? It's so cliche! My life really is like a drama.

"Uh, dear I'm sorry but it's not like I can tell him no. He has no place to go..."

"Whatever, Doctor Suess, I'm going to my room." I huffed and grabbed my back pack, dragging it upstairs.

I accidentally slammed my door shut, flinching at the loud crash that rang on my walls. I threw my backpack next to my desk and laid belly up on my bed. Staring at the dark ceiling, I could only think of one thing- or one person. Choi Jun Hyuk. I knew he wasn't a bad person, despite how he acts. He's cold, mean, and dismissive to the people who only see the surface of him but it doesn't take long to realize he actually is a good person. He's actually friendly, kind and caring, but something stops him from showing that side of him. Maybe it's a good thing he's moving into my house. That's right, I know why I can never bring myself to be angry at, blame or dislike Junhyuk.

Despite your cold charade, I know how you really are, Choi Junhyuk, and I'll make you show me that side of you.


"Goodmorning, Vietnam!" I shouted to my friends who stood by their locker.

"Huh? Oh, morning, Irene. Why are you in such a good mood?" Joohyun said while grabbing a text book from her locker.

"I don't know. I just feel like it." I shrugged.

"Okay weirdo. By the ways, when are we going to hang out? Cookies don't stay good forever." Joohyun said.

"Oh! Um..." I tried to think of an excuse to tell them. I wasn't quite sure if I should tell them about Junhyuk or not, "Well, actually, our house is having renovations so I'll have to rain check. I'm sorry, Sohyun, since I was the one who offered for you to come over and you haven't ever been to my house, because we just became friends and all..."

"Friends..?" Sohyun mumbled, "I didn't know we were friends."

"Pft. Then what are we?" Joohyun laughed.

"Sorry, I'm not used to the whole 'friend' ordeal." Sohyun awkwardly snickered.

"That's okay! We'll teach you! Speaking of teaching, we gotta get to class." Joohyun grabbed our wrists and dragged us to the classroom.

" Joohyun grabbed our wrists and dragged us to the classroom

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[A/N: He's such a cutie I cANnNot LiVe. Btw, sorry 'bout the short chapters. They'll get longer~ hoped you liked this chapter! I'll publish another chapter SUPER soon so be on the look out! It'll be more interesting (with some more Junhyuk) and longer~]

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