So Rude

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The first thing Anthony noticed was how warm he was. It had been a long time since he'd felt this comfortable. There was no doubt in his mind he was dead. He moved to try to sit up but then the pain came back. he felt like he was being stabbed all over again. Ok so he was dead he was just sent to hell. Awesome. "No dont try to move yet. You'll reopen the wound on your back." He heard a female voive tell him and it scared the shit out of him. His eyes shot open and it took a minute for him to realize he was in a bedroom. He was in a bed thats why he was warm. There was a girl sitting on the bed next to him. She was staring down at him. How the hell did he get here? "My name is Teria. I saw you on the streets and took you in so you could heal." she said reaching with a wet cloth to clean his forehead. he slapped her hand away.

"I dont need your help." Anthony said through clenched teeth. the swift action made his stomach wound hurt. 

"Obviously you do." she said with just as much sharpness. 

"Do you need anything from me Teria?" a man asked walking into the room.

"No Colt, thanks for what you did yesterday. Hes awake now." Teria said. Anthony made eye contact with the man in the door way. 

"He doesn't look very happy that you saved his life." Colton crossed his arms.

"He is right here and he has a name so learn it." Anthony said trying again to sit up even though every nerve in his body was protesting. Teria put her hand on his shoulder keeping him down.

"If you weren't so rude maybe we could learn your name." Again he slapped away her arm.

"It's Anthony and dont touch me."

"On that note, I'm leaving. Let me know if you need anything Teria." Colton said and left. 

"well I'm sorry Anthony I need to see if you're wound is healing properly. You were out of it for two days. Can i check the wound on your stomach?"  Anthony watched her for a minute and then agreed to let her check. She folded down the blanket and couldn't help but scan over the top half of his body as she worked. Even though he was slightly on the skinny side she could still see his well defined muscles. His chest and abs for the most part were perfectly chiseled but had a few scars here and there. Teria wondered what they were from. He had broad shoulders and nice biceps. On both his arms were tattoos. For a homeless guy, he was pretty sexy. She certainly wouldn't mind running her hands all over his body. 

"See something you like? You're looking everywhere but at where you're supposed to." Anthony's voice pulled her from her thoughts. She didn't answer him. Teria pulled off the old bandage inspected the wound and put on a clean bandage.

"I need you to roll over if you can so I can check the one or your back." She didn't look him in the eye. He rolled over and let her continue. Her hands were cool on his hot skin, he touch was very light like feathers. He could almost say he enjoyed her hands on his body. "You have so many scars..." she said lowly as she ran her fingers across his back. Feeling every scar and welt.

"They only time i like my back touched like that is when I'm balls deep in a woman. So unless thats your open invitation I suggest you do what you need to and go away." Teria was completely shocked by his rudeness. She saved his life but he acts like she was the one that tried to kill him. She finished with his back and then left the room like he had said to.


The next morning Teria decided to get up early and make breakfast. Since Anthony was in her bed she had been sleeping on the couch. It wasn't the most comfortable thing but it was ok. She quietly opened the door to her room to see if Anthony was still sleeping and he was. She left the door open a little bit then went back to cooking. By now he should be well enough to move around and Teria could already tell how independent he was so she doubted he would wait for her help. She had everything set up and was ready to ask him if he wanted anything. Teria turned to go down the hall and almost ran right into Anthony. His face was expressionless as his eyes raked over her body. She was wearing just a fitted t-shirt and a pair of mini-shorts, basically her pajamas. Anthony however was in nothing but a pair of shorts that Teria had gotten from her brother. 

"I like what youre wearing." Anthony said to her taking a step closer to her. Teria took a step back naturally and was backed against the wall. she looked up into Antony's dark brown eyes. "Are you nervous around me?" He asked running his finger tips down the side of her neck. 

"Umm, breakfast is ready." she said trying to distract herself from the fact he was so close his rock hard body was basically pressed against hers. 

"I see that." he said taking her hand and placing it on his chest. Her breath caught in her lungs. What was he doing. Anthony leaned down and kissed Teria's neck gently. He could feel her puls quicken he smirked to himself and did it again, earning a very small whimper from Teria. Her hand left his chest but went to his rib cage. Anthony flicked his tongue across the nape of her neck and her knees almost gave out from under neither her. Anthony's arm wrapped around her waist. "Very sensitive. Thats a good thing." Anthony pulled away from her got a piece of toast and then went back into the bedroom. Teria stood there with her jaw slack. What the hell was that?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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