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The next week at school was mostly uneventful. After the lunch fiasco Tobias and I had hardly spoke however he was spending time with the Carters and us unfortunately everyone had started liking him including Drew of all people! Talking about Drew we had become closer almost to how we were before excluding the whole relationship thing. I'm yet to ask about his father as I don't want to seem intrusive but I will eventually.

It's Saturday today and the sun is streaming through my tall glass windows. I'm not like most teenagers in the sense that I'll sleep in and miss most of the day; 10am is the latest I'll wake up by. I stretched, rolled out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom. Once I had finished my daily routine of showering washing and applying makeup I headed to my wardrobe and picked out a white and gold Versace romper. My phone vibrated with a text from my brother telling me to come downstairs asap. My brother text me for two reasons; one: he is too lazy to move and two: the house is too big to move around quickly. I had to go to the office which you never go in without being asked and it would take 5 minutes of fast walking to reaching as it is situated on the north-west wing and my room is in the south-east wing.

Once going through one elevator two flights of stairs and a large hallway I reached the office. My brother was stood outside. His blonde hair was visibly disheveled from what I assume to be from putting his hand through it multiple times. Something he only did when he was extremely nervous; and he was never nervous.

"Darcy, he's-" Olivier started but was cut off by my mother who I hadn't seen since the start of school. This wasn't unusual she was hardly around travelling across the world promoting her global fashion brand but more-so than my father who hasn't taken notice of me for a long time.

"Olivier!" she snapped then settled her eyes on me "Darcy darling you look wonderful please come in. I frowned talk about a change in mood. She gestured for me to go in but didn't follow. Weird.

As I stepped in I froze. My body went ridged and shock overwhelmed my system. In the same room as me alone for the first time in three years was my father. Memories flooded my mind, images and events that I kept locked away from everyone included myself moved to the forefront of my brain.

3 years ago

Lights were flashing, people were screaming, blood was flowing. People surrounded Maria and I. Fear built up inside me, if only I hadn't demanded to be pushed around on the bike, if only I wasn't so lazy.

As I tried to speak up my words were caught on fear. And blood. Lots of blood.

As I drifted out of consciousness my fathers voice caught me ears, reassuring me that he was nearby, that we weren't alone.

"At least it's not both of them, at least Maria is ok." He whispered to my mother in a bizarrely calm voice.

Weren't we in danger? Why didn't he ask about me? Maybe he already did but I missed it, there is just so much noise.

"It's not Maria who's ok." My mother replied back in a broken whisper, she always had time for both of us unlike father but I knew he loved me, mother always said he did.

"No." He replied this time his voice held anger and sorrow in the tone of a broken whisper. "Not my Maria."

2 years ago

"She killed her sister she is dead to me!"

"Your a worthless, pathetic runt of the family."

"You will never be half of what your sister ever was."

Flashbacks over

The memories were cut off by an ice cold demonic voice. "Darcy, please sit." His face was set in a hard emotionless expression yet his eyes held all his thoughts and feelings disappointment, anger, blame and most of all hate.

I wordlessly obeyed his commanded and sat before him trying my best to have the correct posture and act unaffected by his intimidating presence. Many would call my father attractive and rumours constantly circulated of his many cheap mistresses that attended various businesses trips as PAs or secretaries.  With his chiselled jaw, defined nose, strong features and cobalt blue eyes which were an exact replica of mine. Before he was married to my mother he was known as Americas and possibly the worlds most eligible bachelor. He stood up from his chair and blocked out all sun in the room due to his towering 6ft'5 figure.

"As I presume you are aware of there is the annual Beverly Hills philanthropist gala is tomorrow and we are all going together. The theme is Hollywood Glamour which when regarding your bank statements shouldn't be a difficult theme for you to follow. I know of how you behaved at your last party and how you continue to disappoint and sabotage this family for whatever reason. However I'm also aware the you sufficiently dealt with the situation. You had better not embarrass me or our family name. Media will be present however considering you have a rather large social media following I will expect you to handle them well. That is all. Leave." I stared up at him still frozen from everything that he had just said and the memories that were still playing in my head. "I said leave! Get out of my sight you pathetic little runt!" He yelled fury and hate oozing out of his voice. I nodded with everything he said like it was law. Things rushed through my mind. How did he know about the party, how did he know that I had fixed it, how did he know that I had over 150 thousand followers on social media. But most importantly he had reminded me how I was a disappointment to the family yet again I wasn't good enough I was never good enough.

I wordlessly exited the office and into the arms of my brother who had waited for me. Without realising fat, unattractive weak tears were pathetically leaking out of my eyes. I cried soundlessly as each tear that fell reminded me how I was the pathetic, worthless runt of the family. Olivier picked me up and carried me to his room. We sat on his bed and I clung to to him like he was the only thing keeping me afloat in the destructive dangerous sea that was my father. That was Giovanni Xavier Huntington.

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