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Happy lead Tony and Paige out the back door of the stage to a crowded hallway. Tony kept stopping to talk to fans and sign things for them. 

"Come on, Tony, let's go." Paige urged, tugging on his arm. 

"Yeah, alright, hold on." Tony sighed as he finished talking to a fan. When they finally managed to pull away from the crowd and to the car, Paige sighed when she saw a woman standing in front of it.

"Does she come with the car?" Paige whispered to Happy, hoping that Tony hadn't heard her. Unfortunately, he had. 

"I certainly hope so." he said, a smirk plastered across his face. 

"Hi." the woman spoke to Tony. 

"Hi." he responded, the smirk still stretched across his face. 

"And you are...?" Tony prompted her when the group fell silent for a few moments. 

"Marshal." she answered with a smile. 

"Irish. I like it." Tony commented. Paige and Happy rolled their eyes, typical Tony. 

"Pleased to meet you, Tony." Marshal spoke up again. 

"I'm on the wheel, do you mind?" Tony asked as he walked around to the driver's side. 

Paige shared a hesitant glance with Happy, to which he shrugged and said, "It was his request."

"Where are you from?" Tony continued to question the poor woman. 

"Bedford." she replied as Paige slid into the back seat behind Tony and Happy got into the passenger's seat. 

"What are you doing here?" Paige cut in and asked her own question. 

"Looking for Tony." she replied, not missing a beat. 

"Yeah? You found me." Tony chuckled. 

"What are you up to later?" Marshal asked her own question. 

"Sewing subpoenas." Tony replied. 

"He doesn't like to be handed things." Happy told the woman, who had tried to hand Tony a stack of papers. 

Instead, Paige took them from the poor woman as Tony said, "Yeah, I have a peeve."

"I got it. You are hereby ordered to appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m." Marshal explained for everyone. 

"Can I see a badge?" Tony asked suddenly. 

"You wanna see the badge?" the woman asked, shocked that, of all things, he would ask her that.

"He likes the badge." Happy cut in. The woman sighed, but still fished her badge out of her small purse. 

"You still like it?" she asked after a few seconds of Tony staring at her badge. 

"Yep." Tony nodded, smiling as the woman walked away from the car. 

"How far are we from D.C.?" Tony asked suddenly, turning the car on.

"D.C.? 250 miles." Paige replied, unsure of why he had asked her that. 

"Buckle up kids, we're going on a road trip." Tony smirked as he sped out of the parking lot. 

"Tony, slow down!" Paige all but screamed as he wove between traffic. 

"But it's fun." Tony fake pouted. 

"You're going to get us killed." Paige reasoned. Tony scoffed, yet slowed down for Paige's sake. 

"Get some sleep, babe. We'll be driving all night." Tony spoke to Paige, glancing at her through the rear view mirror. Paige rolled her eyes at his nickname for her, however, she followed his instructions and stretched out in the back seat. When that became uncomfortable, she groaned and sat back up.

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