School , Home , Undertale

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When Christmas ended , I was sad , and it was Monday .
I woke up, then got ready .
I thinked school is gonna ruin my life , and first lesson was Religion . I sat at the end of class , to my classmates don't notice that I'm not learning .
Then Claudia saw what I'm doing and she started to tell the teacher :
- Mrs. Marianna ! Paulina is drawing, not learning !
Then i said :
- Shut up you idiot ! Why won't you tell your friendo Carolina is talking with Camila ?
And suddenly , the teacher said :
- Well , maybe she want to be an artist in future . I let her draw , and Carolina , For talking in class you need to change your seat with Victor .
The lessons ended so fast that I came home very fast with a big smile .
And there was no homework .

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