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Ivory's P.O.V.

"Ivory! Get up now," my mother yelled.

I hid in the closet, shaking with fear. Please don't find me.

"Ivory!" she screamed again.

I covered my ears and shut my eyes tightly but I could still hear her walking up the stairs, coming for me. I've never been religious but right now I was praying to God that I would be spared. I heard my door open and fear consumed me. Would I make it out alive this time? Her footsteps echoed as she came closer to the closet door. I waited in anticipation as she stopped in front of the door.

"Ivory? Come out," she said, her voice filled with hatred.

I scooted as far from the door as possible and hugged my knees. Why did I have to go through this everyday? I don't understand what I did wrong. 

She started banging on the door and I whimpered in fear. She pounded harder and yelled at me to open the door. I cried into my hands and waited for the inevitable. The door burst open and there my mother stood, looking at me like I was the worst thing to ever happen. I started crying more as she walked closer. She raised her hand to hit me and-

I suddenly awoke and sat up in my bed. My heart was pounding and it was hard to breathe. I know that was just a dream but it felt so real, it was a memory. 

I shakily got up and wiped my tears. I just need to get ready. Using my demon speed, I put on my normal white dress that matched my hair then put on my black combat boots. Yeah I know I'm weird like that. Did I mention that I'm a demon? You probably figured that out though..... My name is Ivory Collins and I am 18 years old. Think I would be older cause I'm a demon? Nope I am still young. The doorbell rang and I ran down the stairs and opened it.

"IVORY!!!!!!!!" my friend Avidity yelled and then tackled me.

"AHH!" I screamed as we both fell. Avidity laughed then got off me and helped me up. Behind her stood my only other friends Raine, Desdemona or Des, and Cassadee. 

"Hey guys" I said and rubbed my now hurting back. Thanks Avidity.

"Come on, school is gonna start soon" Raine said and they all walked in.

I closed the door and turned to them. Avidity pushed the air and it rippled. All of us are different supernatural creatures, Avidity is a homunculi and she can munipulate anything including other peoples powers, Raine is a fire dragon, Des is a faerie just like Sookie from True Blood except shes a full faerie, and Cassadee is a dark angel.

A blue and purple portal opened and we all stepped inside. Suddenly, we we're all in front of our school. Our school was for all supernatural creatures.

"I'm hungry," Des whined.

"Why didn't you eat before than" Cassadee questioned in her normal bored tone.

Cassadee was the emo one of our group with her long black dress that covered everything but her face. She also had blue, curly hair and blue eyes.

"I was in a hurry because of Raine" she answered and tucked her long, pink her behind her ear.

I rolled my eyes at their normal behavior. I have odd friends.

A loud roar of a motorcycle caught everyone's attention. A black bike pulled up and a boy got off. He had gray hair that reached to his chin and he was wearing black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket and a red bandana on his head that was covered by a gray hat. He also had three scars across his cheek that looked a lot like whiskers. He took off his brown aviators and tucked them on his shirt then walked away like a boss. Dang.....he was hot....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2013 ⏰

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