The Life of an Imaginer

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She lies awake,

the rain,

a ghost tapping outside the window.

Footsteps through the blackness of the hall

and her hands guide her through the night.

A reflection of light reveals a door knob,

and curiousness guides her to the door.


and the world stops around her.

The door,

a portal to a land of shelves,

books stacked showing no skin of the

ancient bookshelves.

Books as old as time itself were among

ones that have never been touched.

This is truly a land of magic as she stepped

through the empty halls.

She walked among the bookshelves,

some warm some cold

Within these bookshelves

are books and in those books are


In those weeks she kept

coming and coming and coming.

The adventures...Oh the adventures!

When she came, she would look at the

books and they would whisper,

"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen"

Every one of the bookshelves told a thousand stories.

On some, the creatures clawing to escape the worn bindings

But some silent,

Not ready to be read,

like the treasures they contained.

The clock spun

round and round

round and round

Every day she grew older and older

But the books still told her,

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