Team Bella and The Shield

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Basically Brie and Roman Nikki and Dean and Alicia and Seth

Alright so I paired
Alicia and Seth - because I cant ship Roman and Dean with Alicia I Just cant plus they would be kinda cute together I guess maybe

Brie and Roman - In this situation and in this ship I think they would be good together and I ship they so much as it is so why wouldn't I ship them

Nikki and Dean - I would ship these to together because they we're the leaders of The Shield and Team Bella and would just be one hot as powercouple in this situation/ship and I ship them so hard as it is

Over all I think they would be one bad ass six piece team that literally nobody would be able to beat could you just Imagine they would be awsome together Team Bella and The Shield hell yeah

Ship it or Sink it

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