Chapter One: Don't listen to Andy or bad things will happen

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is the true story of what happened when we took over the Internet. You either believe me or you don't.

(Alex's  P.O.V)

"Who the fuck is stupid enough to do that?" Jeff mumbled.

I grumbled, "Apparently our best friends."

I'll help you out here. I'm close friends with the guys from I See Stars. Jimmy is my older brother. As of right now, they have managed to climb a haunted house and can't get out/down. Jimmy just called me and told me what happened. So now Jeff and I have to go rescue them.

"Let's go save them. " I told Jeff rolling my eyes.
He grabbed the keys to the van and we walked out to the garage. Jeff pressed the button to open the garage door.
He opened the driver side door and I climbed in and over the console to the passenger seat. We cant open the passenger door because of a little incident involving Andy washing it. I won't go into detail but you get the idea. Don't trust Andy with anything or bad things will happen.

"Where are they again?" Jeff asked me.

"Somewhere on Duo Drive." I replied.

"Of course! In that neighborhood anything could happen! They could probably be dead. Lord only knows." He put his hands up in defeat.

"I know. This is what we get for letting Andy take them somewhere. Especially there. " Just as I said that my phone rang. Jimmy.

"Who's that?" Jeff asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Jimmy." I replied. I answered the phone.

"What happened now?" I asked, freaking out on the inside because of all the things that could have happened.

"Nothing. Other than Andy found out that the fridge still has food in it." I was a little surprised to hear Devin's voice.

"So in other words you're all eating food right now. " I rolled my eyes.

"They are. Not me." He chuckled. At least he was smart. They're going to be so pissed at themselves later.

"One sec. Let me put you on speaker. " I said putting him on speaker.

"Okay Dev. Tell Jeff what you did now." I groaned.

"Andy found food so they're eating right now. Thank god each of our bedrooms have their own bathroom." Jeff scoffed in response.

"Can you guys get any stupider?" He face palmed.

"Oh probably."

I laughed. "So where exactly on Duo Drive are you?"

"Just after Willow Street." Devin replied.

"Okay we'll be there in a sec. Bye Dev." I hung up the phone.

Within a few minutes we were there. Jeff and I got out of the van and looked around.

I called out to them,

Jeff laughed, "For once your loud voice comes in handy." I smacked his arm.

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