Chapter 4: Old Friend, New Meeting

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Few days passed since Crystallia was asked to stay with Atem and the others as Yugi and the gang went to the arcade for fun. Tristan and Joey went to the video games area, Ryou and Bakura went to find a stand for a drink, and the rest went together to find a game they like to play.

Crystallia saw a Just Dance game and said excitedly.  "Hey, let's play that! Who's with me to be my rival?" Atem and Yugi knew they can't dance so they told Tea to try. Tea loves dancing.

"I'll accept your offer and see who's the winner." Tea said with a grin. Crystallia smirked and walked toward the game with Tea. Atem and Yugi followed just to watch. When the two girls stepped on the game, they looked at the list of songs. Tea thought of the song called Black Widow, Crystallia said of having a challenge with the song of Dark Horse.

"Why that? It's not a famous song much." Tea said with a confused look.

"Just thought it would be cool to dance with." Crystallia said. With that, Tea accepted the challenge and started the game.

Just by what everyone saw, Tea, Atem, and Yugi were surprised the place setted in the song in the game was a throne in Ancient Egypt. 'That's why she chose the song, it has a dance from that time.' Atem thought. 'I'm impressed she thought of that kind of dance. Tea doesn't know much. Let see how well Tea can dance to this..'

As the dance began, Crystallia followed the moves on the screen as well as she did as Tea did her best. Crystallia moved her arms and her body like she knew the dance. Tea, from her expression, was angry and jealous that Crystallia had followed the moves better than her. Atem and Yugi watched to the end but they didn't noticed Joey and Tristan come by and watched. They were surprised only because Crystallia had more scores than Tea.

When it ended, Crystallia smiled and looked at Tea. "Well that was fun, Tea, right?"

"Y-yeah... it was.." Tea said as she laughed nervously. Crystallia and Tea got off then Bakura spoke from a distance they didn't see him at. "Well seems the princess can dance after all." Crystallia rolled her eyes then went to Atem. Tea, from what Atem saw, gave a glare for a second at Crystallia.

"Well Atem shall we eat? I'm kinda hungry." Crystallia said. She called him by his name so no people other than the gang can hear her call him father since he does look like a teen soon to be a adult. Atem looked at her and nodded with a smile. Now the group went to a stand to get food.

During them eating, they heard two male voices saying to move in a commanding tone. When they looked, two suited men in black was walking to them. To their confusion, they wondered why they are coming.

"Could Kaiba be wanting a rematch from you Atem?" Tristan asked.

Atem shrugged as the men stood by them. "Kaiba wants to you people to come to see him. He wants a talk with you." Said one of the two. Crystallia was the only one confused but she followed the group when they stood to follow the men. Ryou and Bakura were the only ones who didn't get in the car but instead went home because they hardly knew Kaiba.

During the ride, the gang were getting concern of why Kaiba wanted to see them. Crystallia was still confused so she asked Atem. "Ummm... Who's Kaiba? He sounds like a rich man by those two men in black suits." Atem sighed and looked at her.

"Kaiba is a rich man but he was adopted. He has a little brother and a company that he got at a young age. He's my rival but this time doesn't seem to be a rematch for my title as I'm use to be summoned for. Let's say he is up to something that has to do with us or someone.. but I don't know what." Atem said and placed his chin on his fingers that intertwined each other.

Crystallia looked at him until she hugged him. "I'm here so I will help with what I can." She said. Atem smiled and embraced her.

By the time they got to the company of Kaiba Corp. and to the CEO's office, they saw the young man Seto Kaiba. He sat on his chair behind his desk as he wore a white suit with a light blue tie. He raised a brow from seeing someone he's not familiar with. "Who's the girl?" He asked. Atem looked at Crystallia and was about to speak an introduction but Crystallia walked to the front of his desk and bowed like the Japanese tradition. "I'm Crystallia. You must be Seto Kaiba that Atem told me about. It's a great pleasure to meet you."

Seto scoffed. "I have no time for traditional meeting. I only called you guys here but then a little girl comes here with you." Crystallia glared and raised her voice at him. "Excuse me but this 'little girl' happens to know a lot of respect and manner. If a rich man is going to be disrespectful to woman, then he should at least keep his mouth shut."

The gang were shocked by her reaction and was more by Seto giving out a smirk, saying. "Well someone is concern about manners. I am impressed."

"Just talk why we are needed then you and I can privately talk.." Crystallia grinned then walked to stand by Atem. Seto cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention, then spoke.

"I brought you nerds here because I need someone, anyone of you; not caring how many, to help me with this company. I can't believe why I'm telling you guys this but I lately haven't got any applications in from the past three months. I will pay you as a regular job here but I only need some help. This will only take at least 8 months. Any of you up to it?" Seto said.

Everyone hesitated. All until one spoke to do it.

"I will. I will do my best since I never have worked in a corporation." Crystallia said. Atem blinked then turned both himself and her to face each other. "No, don't! You can't without a degree for this!" Atem said.

"I can let her in even though she's young and don't have a degree.  I can put that aside." Seto explained. "All she needs to do is fill the paper and give it to me personally." Atem growled at Kaiba.

"Please let me. I will do my best. Okay? I promise." Crystallia said.  Atem sighed then looked at Seto when he said. "I will keep an eye on her. If anything happens, I will inform any of you of what happened." Atem nodded agreeing.

"Alright." He said.

He can't believe Crystallia will be working with his rival and they won't spend time much now. She will be working for a lot of hours, which worries him about her coming home very late at a time when many horrible incidents occur. The most that worries him is her being missing by whoever took her and who knows what could happen to her. Now he understands how fathers feel when sending their daughters out; especially at night.

//Okay! I will leave this chapter at a end! It seems as though Crystallia will be having more things in her hands that will make Atem and her be separable for many days. Will Atem be able to talk to her whenever she can, or will she be working til late at night? It will all be answered in the next chapter!//

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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