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'Are we getting food here, or stopping somewhere on the way?' I asked, looking at myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth.

'I'm not coming with you, Simon.' I looked up at her in the mirror. She was stood behind me, one arm pressed against her side, her eyes wide and sad.


'You need to go home. You can't stay on the road forever.' she sounded upset, but determined, and I leaned my stomach against the sink, still looking at her in the mirror.

'I don't need to do anything.'

'Simon, you're in love with him. You could travel to the end of the world if you wanted- it won't stop it.'

'What do you know?'

'You say his name in your sleep.'

I pulled my lip through my teeth, and felt my eyes grow wet. She smiled sadly, and moved to wrap her hands around my waist.

'I love you.' I murmured as we stood together.

'Not in the same way you love him.' she mumbled into my shoulder.

'Come with me?' My question made her laugh, and she shook her head.

'I don't belong with your friends.

I don't belong anywhere.'

I sighed, and twisted to hug her properly.

'I'm gonna miss you.'

'You'll see me again. If we're meant to.'

'I will. And if not, you're gonna ring me and tell me that you're the one who showed me the road. Then I'll definitely see you again.'

Grinning, she stepped away.

'Don't throw your heart away, Minter. Do the right thing.'



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