|Fruits Basket|

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Fruits Basket is a romantic comedy anime best known for its love triangle between the main 3 characters, Kyo Sohma, Tohru Honda, and Yuki Sohma. The Sohma family was put under a curse long ago, that when someone of the opposite sex hugs them, they turn into a Chinese zodiac animal. The Sohma's decided to live peacefully away from everyone else in hoppes that their secret would stay safe- that was until Tohru Honda came in. Tohru wound up in the Sohma's lives, but will the secret stay safe or will Tohru spill? Will Kyo or Yuki get the girl? What happens when an even darker secret is revealed?

Overall: I loved this anime to death, everything just seemed to fit together perfectly, all of the characters were very unique and different, the art style was great for this type of anime, the twist was good, the only problem that I have with this anime is the ending. The ending seemed like it was just the end of another episode, and didn't really have a lot of impact, you sort of have to read the manga to get your fill in. Other than the ending, I give Fruits Basket a 6/10.

Enjoyment: I really enjoyed this anime, but that may just be because this was the first anime I have ever watched. The humor in this story was good, but the romance part of it lacked. Sure, I didn't come to this anime for romance, but it would have helped my score on this. For my experience, this anime gets a 5/10 for enjoyment.

Story: The story on the other-hand was great, a bit cliche at times, but great. The twist near the end did catch me off guard but it was good. although the sub-plots made the original plot seem buried, I didn't even realize that as I watched it the first time, or the second. If you are looking for a simple semi-short anime, look no further than Fruits Basket. With that said, the story gets a 4/10.

Art: I think that the common anime style for this one made it better, if the style was any more complicated, it would be a bit hard to understand what would be happening. The simpleness in some scenes helped improve the comedy, which was already good in the first place. The art for this anime gets a solid 7/10.

Sound: This may be a opinion, but I loved the voices in this anime, the people that they cased sounded perfect for the characters personalities. I loved how the characters seemed almost real with just their voices! The sound gets an 8/10!

Characters: Oh my, I loved the wide variety of characters in this anime! Each of the characters put something new on the table to work with. The pacing of each character being introduced was perfect, nothing seemed too rushed when they added each character. The only character that I have a small problem with would be Tohru. It may just be me, but for some reason throughout the anime Tohru seemed to only have two 'good' traits, loyalty/trusting. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of characters with little 'good' traits, but Tohru seemed to have a lot of 'bad' traits, and it didn't seem very balanced. Either way, the characters for this anime combined earned a 9/10!

Well, there is my review for Fruits Basket! I really do recommend that you watch this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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