chapter 4

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|Wednesday , 27 July |

Since yesterday Catera has been mostly in the house to her self ..... She was doing better yesterday than today. But what she didn't know is that she was the only one feeling bad.

Romir's pov

I would've thought yesterday was going to be bad but I was wrong , the day after was horrible

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I would've thought yesterday was going to be bad but I was wrong , the day after was horrible....
I didn't want to do anything but lay in the bad and sleep hoping that when I woke up it would all be better...

"ROMIRR!! Get yo ass out my damn house!! Sighing knowing she came off to harsh my grandma told me to come sit . " I get your hurting son I really do , but you know that your parents wouldn't want you walking around like this . I damn sure don't " mumbling towards the end.

"Yeah , ok I get it. I'm going for a walk." I said getting up " I'll be back"

Grabbing some shoes I started making my way down the drive way , but when I lifted my head I seen that girl sitting on her porch deciding if I should go over there. Noticing her crying I couldn't help but go see if she was ok. You could tell she was out of it because I was nearly at her porch and she still hadn't noticed me. I didn't want to scare her but touching her so I just sat down next to her looking the same direction as her .

"I know I didn't let you give me your number but that's no reason to cry."
I said trying to lighten the mood. I seen the smile slowing approaching her face .

"Yeahh. You kind of hurt my feelings , I was just so hurt." She replied with much sarcasm

"Ok , ok . So what's your name shorty?"


"Catera? Does that have a meaning?"

"Yeah. It means cheerful and friendly , but you're apt to have have an emotional life... I like to think my name fits me perfectly." She said and you could tell that she really adored her name. "So what's your name mister You should be devastated I didn't let you give me your number?"

" oh baby , don't say it like your po little feelings weren't hurt by the way you hurried up and walked in the back if that bakery" replying with a smirk knowing I got her . "But my name is Romir"

"And Romir, does your name have an meaning?"

" shittttt it might . But I damn sure don't know what it means." She then looked at me with that smile that will have a MAN dropping THEY drawls.

"I don't really think my smile would make a man drip they drawls. You must would?"

A shocked and confused look approached my face. "Yo ass can read mind or something ?" I asked being so serious

Out of no where she bursts into a laughing fit. I mean tears coming out of her eyes and everything.. " what's so funny?"

"YOU!! I can't read minds silly you was just thinking out loud!" Still laughing but calming down some

"Ooooooooh , well I was being extra with what I said but , you do have a nice smile ....." being cut off

"Thank you"

" I wasn't finished...."

"Oh sorry you can continue now ." She said trying to be funny

Giving her the side eye I finished with what I was saying.
"You have a nice smile but you can tell it's painfilled or holding all types of emotions all at once."

Her smile dropped slowly and she looked straight head of us

"Ummm, I think it's time for me to go in the how house now . See you around I guess." And with that she walked in the house leaving me there wondering before finally getting up


What just happened had Catera thinking , " How did he know that? Was it that obvious or was did he just take the time and try to analyze her .
Romir didn't have to analyze her to figure it out you could tell what a smile means by the persons eye's . That's one thing Romir was always able to notice , something he learned from his mom. Whenever someone brought up or talked about his dad his mom would always smile broadly and get this twinkle in her eyes. The two were in LOVE and that's the type of love Romir wanted but was starting to believe he would never find . He was going on 28 soon and hadn't really have a REAL girlfriend. Hell, he never told a female he loved them other that his mom and sister .

Romir's pov

I couldnt get Catera off of my mind. She was so beautiful but you could tell she held everything in and tried to smile to make everyone think she was ok , when in actuality she was hurting.

"ROMIRR!!" my grandma screamed . Rolling my eyes I sat up... yall have no clue how much this lady scream and yell. I'm surprised no one called the police due to her being so Damn loud

Not really wanting to get up and walk all the way down there for her to end up not really wanting nothing I yelled back with a yes .

" You got a really , I'm mean really pretty little short girl here looking for you!! She better be a secret girlfriend or something because I know you better not have these hoes running through my house!"

Now I was confused , who would come to my grandma house looking for me .

" now who the hell could this be?" I mumbled to myself walking down the stairs and to the door .

"Catera? What are you doing here?" I questioned now standing next to my grandma. Matter of fact , why hasn't she walked away yet.

"Well, ummm . I was hoping you would want to talk . You don't have to I mean .. Nvm it was probably a dumb idead" she said getting ready to walk back home.

"NO! I mean no that's a good idead not a dumb idea. We can sit right here and talk."

A smile approach her face and that was exactly what we did until he started getting really dark .... Talk talk and talk

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