Chapter 1

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Hey Awesome People. I've Decided to Write another Mafia Based Book. This Book is not Part Of the The Mafia Knows Me Series. Its a Whole Lot Different Book.
Hope You'll Love It 💙💜
Willow Clover Starlight

"Darling its time to wake up" Someone said while shaking me.
I mumbled some that sounded like "5 more minutes."

"No now or you are going to be late for school." The  person said.

I grumbled something then went back to sleep.
When my sleep wss about to get good. I felt something wet and cold on my face.  I jumped out of bed so fast that I think I may have touched the ceiling.

I looked on the bed and saw ice all around me.
I was so distracted that I totally forgot that there was a person inside my room. I jumped when the person said "Now that you are awake finally.  You can grt dressed for school. "
I looked up and saw my mum standing there with a bucket. 

"What did you do that for!" I screamed at her while glaring at her.

"You wouldn't get up. So I had to do it" she said while laughing.

"Whatever am up now. Also since my bed is all wet now.  Am hijacking your bedroom until its dry." I told her while I was walking towards my bathroom.
"You can sleep in the guest bedroom" mum shouted.

I turned back around and said "Nope no can do. You brought up on yourselves."
Then continued to walk to the bathroom.
Once there I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower.

When I got back to my room I saw that she was gone. Which is good.
I walked to my closet and pulled out a black sleeveless shirt. At the front it has a Scull and pink roses. I also took out my wash blue skinny jeans and also my black joggers.

Once I was done getting changed.  I walked downstairs to where I could hear my parents talking.

"Hey honey you ready for school" My Dad Zachary asked
"Yep am ready for school" I replied with fake enthusiasm.

" Sweety there are pancakes in the kitchen for you." My mum Aliahana said.

I just nodded my head and walked to get my pancakes.
I couldn't be bothered walking to the dinning table so I just ate them in there.

I bet you're wondering, what my name is. My name is Willow Clover Starlight. My parent's names are Zachary Adam Starlight and Aliahanna Rose Starlight. I am an only child.  Am 17 years old. I have blue eyes and blond curly hair. I got the curly hair, from my mum.
I got to the Blue Ridge High school. Am a senior this year.  So yay.

I check the time. Arg time to the hell hole. Opps ment school.

"Willow are you ready?!" shouted my dad
I rolled my eyes and shouted " Yep am ready."

I walked up to my room and took my phone, bag and wallet.
"Am ready. Bye mum" I told her while hugging her.
"Have a great day sweety." She told me.

We walked down to dads car. Which is a 67 Chevy Impala.
The car ride was silent.
It didn't take long to get to school.
Dad parked right in front of the school. 
"Have a nice day sweety." He said
I waved bye to him.

Let this day go by so fast.

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