First Time

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          Yuki was late. She was late for her first English class. Yuki had forgotten to set her alarm. "Crap, oh crap. I'm late. Why didn't my father wake me up?" Yuki had screamed to herself. Why didn't her father wake her up? Yuki had finally gotten to the classroom to find no one there. With a dull face Yuki walked out and sat on the floor with her face in her hands. Yuki then started to giggle. Her giggle broke out into a laugh. "That's why he didn't wake me." Her voiced muffled as her mouth was covered by one of her hands. As Yuki started to uncover her face she could see someone's legs. They looked very familiar. She looked at his beautiful face. That beautiful face belonged to Zero.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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