Potter : Harry

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Draco's always fancied Harry Potter, but Potter is just too damn oblivious to notice. He's tried pretty much everything. What's a guy to do? Duel apparently. The kiss on the cheek was just for the fun of it.

Ohhh that was fun. He was attracted to Potter, but that didn't mean that riling him up and flustering him wasn't enjoyable. Dueling was great. Kissing Potter on the cheek was even better. His skin was so smooth and it was soft, just as he's imagined it. His surprised face and stunned stance was priceless. It'll be even better when Draco kisses him fully.
He fantasized about it often. Often as in, every day. Every day as in, every class. Every class as in, every thirty minutes.

It's probably unhealthy.


He's fantasized about pushing Potter up against a wall, snogging him.

He's fantasized about pulling him against Draco, snogging him.

He's fantasized about in the great hall, snogging him.

He's fantasized about snogging him.

Snogging him.

Draco embarrasses himself sometimes as to how pathetic he is. But its all worth it to see Potter question his sexuality.
Potter's lips would be soft but frozen against Draco's. Draco would take advantage of his height, cupping Potters face in his hands and tower over him as they kissed. Potter's glasses being pushed up every so slightly as Draco would deepen the kiss, slithering his tongue into Potter's mouth and making the brunette gasp. Eyes would be pinned to them, but sadly, Draco wouldn't give a rats ass. Because he's snogging Harry Potter. Potter's hands trying to push Draco away but failing and gripping his robes instead-

Oh please. Draco would probably be lucky to only be punched.

But that's what he thought yesterday.

After today, Draco was completely sure Potter would submit, even if it was because he was frozen in place.

"Malfoy!" Pansy's annoying and dreadful voice derailed his wondrous train of thought.

"Stop thinking about snogging Potter and go to bed!" Her hand came into contact with his head, which caused him to wince. He wasn't ashamed anymore of being accused to be thinking about Potter. He's talked about Potter so much that the entire Slytherin house knew he fancied Potter before Draco himself did.

"Shove off Parkinson. I was having a wonderful time in my head" he reluctantly removed himself from the leather chair, waltzing into the boys dorm.

He was way too excited to see Potter tomorrow.

And tomorrow couldn't come quick enough.

Draco was up bright and early. He took a shower last night, but what's the bother in freshening up? The entire night was filled with Saint Harry Potter. He was completely in over his head. Completely obsessed with him. Completely and utterly in love with him. Potter consumed his thoughts everyday all day. He really should feel ashamed.

Oh well.
As he finished up his shower, he continued to groom and preen.

He looked a the time and realized was almost time for breakfast. No need to rush in. He didn't want to overwhelm Potter with his glorious beauty.

He snorted at himself.

When Draco entered the dinning hall, he felt amazing. He pictured himself with flowing robes and polished shoes, hair perfect and his porcelain skin flawless. He felt like he was glowing, though, that's ridiculous.

He did manage to capture Potter's eye. He smirked at him and winked not-so-discreetly. He could have sworn he heard a few high pitched gasps and giggles from the Slytherin table. Most were probably from Hufflepuff. Those cheeky girls were nearly as obsessed with him as he is with Potter. Too bad they don't know Draco won't ever notice any of them.
He strode over to the Slytherin table, eyeing Potter like he was Draco's food.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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