pt five

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'Cal- it could just be a nerv-'
'It's him.'
I still can't see. It's still dark.
I can hear moving. Crying.
Are you happy?
When I finally open my eyes, it's blurry.
I look over to my side- and I see Simon.

'I'm in love with you, bog.
I wish I'd told you before.'

'Harry.' Freezy is next to me. He's crying- is he the one who made a mistake?
I'm confused.
Looking back at Simon, it all rushes back in.
All of it was him.
It was always him.
'You're in hospital, bog.' I heard Josh, but I didn't see him till I looked behind Simon.
They were holding hands.

'More than anything in the world.'

'I remember.' I mumbled. My voice felt thick and dry, like I was stuffed full of cotton wool.
My eyes connected once more with Simon's.
'I heard everything. I remember everything.'


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