The fourth day (2 days passed when Merideth was out cold)

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So If you all are confused about this chapter being day 4, it's because Merideth was out cold for 2 days including the first day so it's day 4.
I walk to my freshly fixed up room to find another note on the nightstand. I freeze knowing that my father was around.

Dear Merideth,
I know that your friends are looking for me. I can't wait to see you. Be sure to spend as much time with those pathetic killers who you call your friends. I love you. See you tomorrow.

I tear up the note and screams. "I hope he don't hurt anyone else!" I said as I layed down and fell asleep.

5:30 pm

I sit up to find another note on my chest.

Dear Merideth,
Have a nice nap? I hope so. There is a present for you in your pocket. I hope you like it sweetie. Once I get rid of your 'boyfriend' and his friends, than we can be together forever and be a complete family again. See you tomorrow.
Love Daddy
"Father...... I know your in here" I growl. I heard a muffled sound and dad came out of the closet. "Very good sweetheart." Dad said as he pulled me into a hug. "Go away! I hate you!" I scream. "Now that is no way to talk to your father! Now apologize!" He growled. "No. Go away!!" I scream louder. Foxy heard and came running on but was had locked the door. "MERIDETH LET ME IN!!" Foxy screamed as he banged on the door. "Not a good Idea Baby Girl" Dad said as he leaned against the wall. "Don't call me that! FATHER GO AWAY!" I scream as I punch him in the face. His jaw went to the side and he moved it to its original place and snarled. "You shouldn't have some that Merideth." He throws me against the wall causing all the air to escape my lungs. I had a searing pain in my chest. Everything went black before i heard Foxy break the door down.

A few hours later

I groan in pain as I sit up in the bed. I had bruises all over my body along with a stab sound in my stomach. "You okay???" Chica asked as she handed me a glass of water. I couldn't talk because I had lost my voice. I shook my head and picked up another note.

Sorry sweetie, but this note is for Pirate Boy and his friends.
You better stay away from my daughter. I suggest you forget you ever knew her. Don't look at her, don't think about her, don't say her name. If you listen, I'll possibly let you and your friends live. But if you don't, I will kill you all along with sweet sweet Merideth. Make your choice. You have five hours left before i come.

I look up from the note in tears. "What's wrong Merideth?" Freddy asked. I hand him the note before wiping my tears away. He looked up from the note with black eyes that had white dots for pupils. "He will not make me stay away from my best friend!" Freddy snarled. The others had read the note over Freddy's shoulder so their eyes were the same as Freddy's. "Guys...... look at the clock!" I choked out. I got the note four hours ago. "We only have an hour left!" Foxy yelled. "Merideth, Chica Bonnie and I have to look around. We'll be back shortly" Freddy said. "I'm going to lay down for a bit just so I can think about what's happening. Foxy? Can you stay in my room with me?" I say quietly. "Sure Las" Foxy said as we walked into my room. I layed down on the bed as Foxy pulled up a chair. "I'm going to get you some coke, I'll be back in a second" he said as he walked out.
I open my eyes to find dad standing there. He mutters something and walks to me. "Time's up." He said as he laughed. "FOXY!!!!! HELP!" I scream. I jump out of the bed and I run downstairs. "MERIDETH LOOK OUT!" Sally screamed. Dad looks really mad. "Why did you run from me Sweetie?" He snarls. "STAY AWAY! FOXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream louder. All of a sudden I was pushed against the wall with a knife to my neck. I can't use my powers. He is alot stronger than me. I heard Foxy run in. He stared at me and then he ran at dad. "Ah ah ah. That's not a good idea" dad said as he pushed the knife closer to my neck. I whimper. Slender walked in and seen dad. My skin grew pale. "Let. Her. Go" I heard Slenderman growl. Dad grabbed my neck and pulled me in front of him with my arms pinned behind my back and the knife to my neck. "I will be on my way now" dad said as he pushed me outside. Laughing Jack stood in front of us angrily. I mouthed out the words 'help me please' I guess dad read my mind because he had tied my hands behind my back and put duct tape around my mouth and head. I growled and i tried to get away. I heard a scream before i felt the knife slip across my neck before it hit the ground. Jeff stood there with a bloody knife. I tried to get the rope off my wrists but they cut deeper. Dad stood up with blood shot eyes, fangs and claws. My eyes widen. He was no human. I finally escape the ropes and I unwrap the tape. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" I scream. My hair began to lift and I started to levitate. I grew sharp goat-like horns and my fangs grew sharper and longer alongwith my nails and my eyes had flames. "Stay out of this honey" dad hissed. "No Father! I will not listen to you!" I hiss. If only I knew his weakness. "Did you just disobey me?" He asked. "I will not allow you to hurt ALL OF MY FRIENDS! YOU KILLED PLENTY OF THEM BUT BECAUSE I STUDY MY SPELL BOOK, I KNOW A REVIVE SPELL! I KNOW EACH AND EVERY SPELL THERE TO KNOW IN THAT BOOK!" I snarled. One of my weaknesses is that when I don't listen to dad, he looks me in the eyes and if I blink I have to listen.
"not every spell" he retorted. "Shut your trap. You are not my father. You will never be." I growled. His anger just grew. He looked me straight in the eyes but I didn't give in. I will not let a monster kill my friends! He was surprised at my sudden change of heart. I summon a very powerful dragon wand that had the strength of a million witches. "Do you know who I am?" He asked as a black wand appeared in his hand. "Yea, a liar, a cheat, a jack***" I snarl. "Should I go on?" That ticked him off even more. "NO! I AM THE DEVIL! I AM SATAN! YOU ARE MY DAUGHTER'' dad screamed before making a portal appear. I was to stunned to move. So was everyone else. Except Slenderman. As Dad ignored me and later his attention on Slender I took my chance to push him into the portal. I closed the portal with the wand. "The only way father can escape from help is with the soul of seven humans. And he won't get those for a long time" I said and I calmed down. "Good job on handling him Merideth" Jeff said. "How did you get out of the Nightmare Dimension???!!!!!!" I ask. Well practically scream.

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