Chapter 1

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"I quit Jude." I snarled. I was sick and tired of their games.
"You can't just leave. He won't let you!" Jude said. I crossed my arms.
"I just can't do these schemes any more!" I gulped. There's only one things I can say to get out of here. A small tear rolled down my cheeks. I'm sorry Jude. " I don't want to end up like you. You.... You... Crazy boy." I ran away from Royal academy.
~yearish later~
Raimon high. I've heard about this school. Where the legendary Inzuma Eleven came from.
After the bell went for the end of day, I wandered around to see the different clubs. Tennis. Chess. Football? I knocked on the door and a boy wearing an orange headband opened the door.
"Hello. I'm Mark, captain of the football team. What would you like?" Mark asked. His enthusiasm made me smile. Something we didn't have in The Royal Academy.
"Yeah. I'd like to join." He looked confused.
"What? Like someone who helps out. That would be awesome!" I mentally face palmed.
"Nope. I'd like to be a player." He stared at me.
"You." I nodded,"a girl." I sighed and nodded. A massive smile grew on his face.
"Sure you can.... Uh.... What's your name?" He asked.
"Jin. I know it's a boys name." He smiled and handed me a spare football kit. I quickly got changed in private and then came back to the football room. I walked in and there were boys doing nothing. I stared with my mouth open.
"Hello." I said but they ignored me.
"Hello." I said again and they still ignored me. Mark cleared his throat.
"Everyone. This is Jin. She's just joined." Mark introduced me,"and now we have enough players for the match." Nobody was happy but one boy. That boy had blue hair, mostly tied up. His brown eyes glistened.
"A girl?!" They exclaimed (almost)
"What wrong with a girl on the team? If she wants to play then let her." The blue haired boy said, standing up from his seat,"I'm Nathan. Nice to meet you Jin." He held out his hand. Without a second thought I grabbed it and we shook hands.
"Now let's practice!" Mark cheered.
Everyone practiced really hard. Mark tried to stop a fast moving tyre and the others practiced with their footballs. I sprinted around the area, trying to build up my stamina and speed.
"Watch out!" Someone shouted as a football flue towards me. I stopped the ball and kicked it back to them.
"Sorry Jin." They apologised.
"It's ok. You should work on your control more than your kick. It will help more." I advised.
By the end everyone was tired.
"Good practice everyone. Now remember, the match is tomorrow." Mark reminded us all.
"Who is it against?" I questioned.
"Royal academy." He said. I stared at him with fear. If they knew I was here... Oh no. Oh dear.
"Jin. You ok?" Nathan asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I plastered a fake smile.
"I'm fine. I just heard rumours that their really strong. I'm just a bit scared. Nothing much." I lied. I checked my watch,"shoot! I need to go. I'm meeting an old friend. Sorry to leave now. Bye." I rushed back home. I quickly got changed into my work clothes and headed to the local cafe. I'm a half time worker. I live alone so I have to work in my spare time.
After work was done I walked home. What does Jude want from Raimon? He can't demolish this school. Why the hell are they coming here? I sighed as I collapsed onto my bed. I need some sleep for tomorrow.

A/n: I read my stories quite a bit (I have them all on notes. I read them sort of for fun. So lonely) I feel the same emotions as Jin. What do you guys think? Should I do more?

Each comment gives the inazuma team another rice ball😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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