History Homework

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For GCSE I've taken History, it was one of the subjects I was like 'Yep, I'm taking that!' Hang on, all four options I picked were. I have a bunch of homework and assessments from the past few years and I thought to help me remember some stuff and maybe help someone doing the same thing in History I'd put it on here. I'm procrastinating big time.

Everything on here is in my own words, I will say the marks I got for it, so you can see how little effort I put into it.

In what way did the Treaty of Versailles weaken Germany's armed forces?

The Treaty of Versailles weakened Germany's armed forced by limiting their soldiers to 100,000 men, not allowing armoured vehicles, setting a limit of six batter ships and banning conscription.

I got 4/4 for this. I only did this like eight weeks ago. I wrote one sentence and got full marks. Zero effort.

What did Lloyd George hope to achieve from the Treaty of Versailles?

Lloyd George hoped to achieve a reasonal [Molly, reasonal is not a word, you idiot] punishment for Germany from the Treaty of Versailles, which included; Britain and Germany to begin trade again, Germany losing their nacy, secured peace and Germany to lose it's colonies.

I don't even know how I got 4/4 for that and homework of the weak. I invented a word, hmm. Being creative, creating words. Again, zero effort.

I have no idea what the question for this was..

The message of the cartoon is a prediction of a war to start in 1940, as a reaction to the Treaty of Versailles. [I got a tick for writing that, aw, I'm pretty sure I copied it out of my book.] It is also saying the Big 3, especially Clemenceau, were oblivious to how the peace treaty is 'Cannon fodder' for revenge/retaliation.

To the left of the cartoon, there is a child 'weeping.' The peach treaty is on the floor from where the boy has read it and dropped/thrown it in fear and anger. Above his head, it says '1940 class.' This means in 1940, he will be classed as an adult and required to fight in any upcoming wars. [Aw, I feel so sorry for him.]  The child has read th terms of the Treaty and realised the harshness. [That is own knowledge, the source did not tell us the treaty was harsh.] He knows Germany will want revenge on the Big Three, once they have gained strength. The boy is crying because he knows there shall be another war for Germany to prove power, strength [I keep going to write strangle not strength.] and regain what they had to give up. [That's O.K too.] The war is predicted to be in 1940, just over three months out from the actual war, when he will be old enough to fight.

At the top of the source it says 'Peace and future Cannon fodder.' Meaning there will be peace at the time, but it's all just 'Cannon food (fodder)' [Way to go, pointing out the obvious.]  and will later create an explosion (World War Two.) [I am a genius, why did I not get full marks for this (':.] This, too, is part of a prediction for another war.

The third and fourth mainparts of the cartoon showed how unconsiderate [I think that's what it said, my writing is too small, I feel sorry for my old teachers with bad eye sight.] and oblivious the Big Three were. 'The Tiger: "Curious! I seem to hear a child weeping!" Clemenceau (The Tiger) [Own knowledge, again] was so focused on fulfilling his aims for the Treaty of Versailles, he was unaware or did not consider what effect it would have.

I got 6/7 for this and old to use 'OK' [own knowledge], I think I did use a bit of own knowledge.

Okay, I'm bored of that now. I might add to this later or upload more dreadful homeworks and assessments to this post since I haven't had chance to write any other posts.

Basically, if you want to get full marks in History, invent words.

Now I should probably actually do my history homework...

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