Life so far

12 2 11

Alex POV:

Beep Beep Beep!

"Ugh....." I get up and take a good hard stare

at my blue alarm clock wishing it would never 

exist. I get out of bed and head for my kitchen.

 Yep I live alone in a small apartment on the 

East Coast. "Where in the world is the toast,

 I know I just bought some yesterday!" 

I look around my kitchen and finally spot

 it torn into pieces next to my cats bed. 

"Ugh! Crowley!" My black short haired 

cat meowed back in response. "Oh, I can't be

 mad at you for long.." He is just too cute to be

 mad but he has been causing a lot of trouble 

lately, I don't know what's up with him this past week.

"Crowley get over here, you know how much I love my bread and anime!"

"Purr..Meow!" He stared at me with his glowing yellow eyes and nuzzled my leg.

"Well looks like I'll have to eat something else for breakfast today."

I fed Crowley and walked out into the cold, crisp air and realized I forgot to

 get out of my pajamas. I quickly run back inside and brush my honey blonde hair and

 put on a hot pink sweater and skinny jeans, I then get my black jacket on and put on my tennis 

shoes and run back out into the cold air of December again, but this time with the warmth of 

my sweater and jacket. As I turn the corner I bumped into a Girl with Light brown hair.

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