JOBS. For real now.

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Basically this job is to have fillers to put in between the film content we have. The themes and ideas for the pictures would be years,
Like starting in 2011 and then on to 2012 and so on and these are of the boys and the fans.

Technical Organisers
These are the people Who put down the film content and make it into the movie itself so you'll be organising all the content and the interviews and the covers and making it into a movie and you also need to be able to edit and have good luck with computers.

Internationalist/Social Workers
This job isn't as bad as it sounds.
Let me explain.
So for this specific job it's kind of like you reach out to people and talk to them and try to get them interested in the project and help them find a place where they belong and you need to have a really strong understanding of the project and be able to make friends from all over quickly and efficiently by but still being their  friend not just for the project because this is also to bring us together as a fandom and appreciate that we have others around us that Fangirl just as hard as we do.  I mean like if you can reach out to people from across the globe to talk to you like if you're from England and you reach out to someone in Australia that's great like that it's our goal for this whole project is to get as much as the 5SOS Family as possible we need all the people we can get so international any Internet friends That have an interest in five seconds of summer can send it covers can help with any management whatever anything and everything if they can help them in their welcome as they can do something they can still great to promote and to have people and on the project you can pull people from social media and talk to them through there or bring them here or to Wattpad or a Kik from any social media platform.

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