Part 20

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- Recap -

She grabbed my hand and we walked in the room together. I felt on the side of the wall for a lightswich. When I found it I flicked it on

When the lights came on we both screamed.

There stood the last person we wanted to see.

- Reality -

Jasmine's POV

"WILL?" Briana and I shouted at the same time.

"Y'all thought y'all could get away from me that easy?" he said walking towards us.

"Leave us the hell alone!" I said backing up into the door.

Briana opened the door and we began to run out. Before we could run out of the room I felt my leg getting weaker. I looked down and saw blood coming out of it.

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed.

"JASMINE! JASMINE! JASMINE!" I heard Briana screaming.

I woke up shaking and sweating.

"Another nightmare?" Briana said getting up out of her seat.

I nodded my head.

"The plane just landed come on," she said grabbing her bags.

I got up to collect my bags and we walked off the plane together. Drake's mom was soppose to pick us up. I'm kinda nervous because this will be my first time meeting her. We walked until we saw a lady with white hair. I guess that was his mom because she was waving at us. We walked over to her.

"Hello I'm Sandi. I'm so happy to finally meet the love of my son's life," she said pulling me into a hug.

"You must be Briana!" she said pulling Briana in a hug too.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you too!" I said with a smile.

"Hi," Briana said almost suffocating from her hug.

Sandi laughed "Sorry,"

She grabbed two of our bags and we walked to her car. She drove us to her house and we got settled in.

"Since y'all will be staying for a while I want y'all to feel right at home," she said.

She showed Briana to the guest bedroom and then she showed me to Drake's old bedroom. His room was in the basement and was blue and grey.

"This is Aubrey's old room. You will be staying down here," she said walking out of the room.

I put all my clothes in the drawers and laid down on his bed. I smelled his pillow and smiled. It smelled just like him. I missed him so much and it has only been two days. I decided to call him even though it's only 6 am in LA.

- Phone Convo -

He picked up on the third ring.

"Hey," he said in his sleepy voice (which sounded really sexy)

"Hey baby. Sorry for waking you up," I said.

"No it's okay I was about to wake up anyways," he said. I could hear him rub his hand through his hair.

"I miss you," I said.

"You already missing me. You can't get enough of me huh?" he replied teasingly.

I giggled. "Nope,"

"I was just playing but I miss you too," he said.

I heard a voice in the backgroud. It was Ryan telling him he had to get ready for a interview.

"Baby I have to go but I'll call you later," he said.

"Bye," I said.

"Bye," he said.

- End of phone Convo -

Being in Toronto without him is gonna kill me. Just thirty-one days till I get to see him.


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