Chapter 11:the plan B

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Maya:ok here plan b

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Maya:ok so plan b is to kiss Riley while Lucas isn't in the room and when he walks in he will yell at riley and take the engagement ring off her finger and come to New York and propose to me

Charlie:perfect on it *hangs up*

*******back with Riley and Lucas*****
Lucas:hey look baby clothes wanna shop there?

Riley:what I'm already 2 weeks pregnant we don't know who the gender is

Lucas:oh ok well wanna go on a romantic date tonight?

Riley:aww I love romance *kisses Lucas cheek*

Lucas:so is that a yes?

Riley:duh your my fiancé of course I will

Lucas:ok well I'm going to the bathroom


Lucas:*goes to the bathroom*

Charlie:there my que *puts mouths spray in his mouth*

Riley:who there *looks around* oh well

Charlie:*turns Riley around and kisses her*

Riley:*tries to pull away*

Lucas:*comes out**pulls Riley away from charlie* Riley what the heck?!

Riley:I didn't do it Lucas!

Lucas:oh yea i should've known I can't trust you were over!

Riley:Lucas please listen to me

Lucas:save it I'm going to New York


Charlie:I'm sorry

Riley:don't be know I'm a single mother

Charlie:wait what your pregnant

Riley:yes now Lucas was the father and now he not thanks to you! *walks out of the room*

Charlie:you just know this but this all was Maya idea

Riley:what! Why would she do that?

Charlie:she wants Lucas and she did it because you have a perfect life

Riley:I'm so gonna kill you Maya hart
Will Rucas make up and if you hate Maya in this well your gonna hate her a lot in this book as you know she a lunatic in this story who always tries to get her revenge so yea more soon

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