00- an old end, a new start

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The sight had been a horrifying one. I had never felt so many emotions at one time and it was quite difficult to deal with. My heart was pounding, every breath I took was stale and the only thought raiding my mind was "your boyfriend is cheating on you".

I took a step back, using my hand to steady myself on the doorway as I choked back tears. A small, pained noise slithered up from the back of my throat. That was the first time that he had acknowledged me since I had been standing there.

The redhead he was screwing was smart enough to know she didn't belong here anymore. Picking up her clothes, she ran out of the door, not once looking me in the eye. My eyes fell back on Marc, my long-term boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend now, as he pulled up his boxers and ran over to me.

I should've known it wasn't alright to wait until marriage. I should've known that he wouldn't have been able to commit to me. I should've known that he hadn't changed.

His rants of apologies and cries for me to give him another chance were seemingly soundless to my ears as I marched away. I wasn't even conscious enough to turn and look back at him a last time before I left for good and I'm glad I didn't. I don't know what I would've done if I did.

I should've known that all footballers are the same. My previous ex used to say he'd change for me, too. He used to say he'd be the man I wanted him to be, but I should've known that nobody truly changes. Nobody can force away what they truly are.

When I left, I had nowhere to go. My home had been with Marc, in his apartment, but otherwise I had no place to run to. I left my family in Argentina to live with my boyfriend who couldn't even wait a few years for me to be completely comfortable.

He always said he thought red hair was nice. He told me it reminded him of a cartoon he used to watch as a kid. Never had I thought he'd choose it over me. And where was I to go now?

I could stay in a motel, but that would be temporary. Lord knows I don't have enough cash on me for multiple stays. I left it all at my now ex-home with that excuse for a boyfriend, Marc Bartra. Maybe one day I'll go get my stuff while he's away, but for now, I can't bear to go back there anytime soon.

I park my car on the curb and look through my phone for someone to call to shelter me for a bit. Just until I found somewhere else to go. As I scrolled through each letter, my hand lingered in the M's, and before I could comprehend what I was doing, I had clicked the delete button on Marc's contact.

Shaking my head, I continued to scroll until I reached a name I thought might be helpful in this situation. We are pretty good friends as of now, and she had once told me if I needed anything, she would help me out. I just hoped it wasn't an empty offer.

As the phone rang more and more, I sighed, losing hopes that she would even pick up the phone at this hour, but this was my only option right now. Just as I was about to hang up and try something else, the ringing stopped and a male's voice sounded through the phone.

"This is Leo, Anto's in the shower right now. Is there something you needed?" The male, Leo, had asked politely.

"Sí. I wanted to ask her- well both of you guys really- if I could stay the night at your place..?" I cringed, hoping I didn't sound too imposing.

"Claro!" I was taken off guard by his enthusiasm, "Are you okay? Did something happen between you and Marc?" His concern also took me off guard. I didn't know him very well, but he was still being so nice to me, and I couldn't thank him enough.

"Uh, yeah, he- uh- cheated on me. But I don't really wanna talk about it right now. Thank you for letting me stay the night." My voice crackled through the phone.

"Of course. Do you need me to pick you up?" I shook my head before quickly realizing he couldn't see me and spoke up,

"No, that's fine. I'll be there in," I look out of my window to see I drove 15 minutes in the opposite direction of their house, "30 minutes. Thank you again, Leo."

"No problem. And I'll make sure Marc gets what he deserves. No one deserves what he did to you."

"Ok, I'll call Anto again when I'm outside the gate."

"Ok. Bye, Katia."

"Bye." I let out before I ended the call. Okay, so not all footballers are the same, but most of them are, and I'm putting Marc in that category.

As I was getting ready to drive, I noticed my bracelet that Marc had given me on my wrist. I must've forgotten to take it off when I was leaving.

Fingering the gold charms that hung, I decided not to take it off. It was from one of the earliest memories I had of me and Marc when we weren't dating. We had been best friends for the longest time before he had finally asked me out and I fell in love.

On the bracelet, there were seven charms, one for each of the seven deadly sins. As the first, Pride, a Lion was hung by a loop to the rest of the jewelry piece. For Envy, there was a Dog, for Anger, a Bear, Greed, a Frog, and for Sloth, a Goat. The last two, Lust and Gluttony, were represented by a Snake and a Pig. A bear. That's how I felt. And Marc, the snake, of which he will always be.

Sighing, I placed my hands upon the steering wheel and drove off to my new, temporary home.

Denounced  //  Sergio AgüeroWhere stories live. Discover now