01- new ends meet,

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A/N: this chapter is like the most filler a chapter can be and its not even written that well so don't be surprised when you read it.

The next morning, I woke in a bed that wasn't mine, in a house that I didn't live in. I was still in the clothes I was wearing last night and I probably still had my smudged makeup on, too.

Groaning, I dragged myself into the bathroom connected to the bedroom and stared at myself in the mirror. My mascara had run from crying and created rings around my eyes from wiping them. I looked like a raccoon, and the rat's nest of hair on my head didn't prove any different.

I quickly raked my fingers through my hair and threw it up into a ponytail so I could wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I slugged out of the room and down the stairs of which lead to the kitchen and living room.

Antonella was in the kitchen making something to eat and Leo was sitting on the living room couch talking with someone, which I didn't want to interfere, so I chose the kitchen and ran up behind Anto while she was mixing some batter.

Tapping her right shoulder, I quickly moved to the left side of her to fake her out and laughed when she fell for it.

"That was lame." She rolled her eyes and went back to mixing.

"What are you making, Toni?" I asked her, jumping up to sit on the counter beside her.

"Pancakes." She answered simply, stirring some other ingredients in with the pancake mix.

"Who's that out there with Leo?" I questioned again.

"That's Sergio Agüero. He's one of his best friends from the Argentina national team."

"Really?" I furrowed my brows and she nodded.

"Hmm," I stroked my chin as I pretended to think, "I didn't think he had any friends." I laughed.

"Very funny, Kat." I heard from the doorway and turned to look at who was there. Of course, it was Leo with crossed arms and a very good-looking man, both sporting wide grins.

"Katia, meet Sergio." He motioned to the man next to him and Sergio nodded to me.

"Call me Kun." He specified as he strode over to shake my hand. As he got closer, his features became more noticeable and I saw black jewelry in both ears.

He was hot, to say the least.

I grasped his hand and blushed when he brought it up to his lips to kiss my knuckles. Leo, catching sight of what was happening, gave me a wink and raised his eyebrows at me from the doorway. I stuck my tongue out, but quickly put it back in before Kun saw.

"So, as I was going to say before, thank you Anto and Leo, for letting me stay here for a while. I know it was on short notice, so I appreciate you letting me stay." I directed towards the two owners of the house.

"It was really no problem. We have plenty of space and I could use some company apart from these two," Antonella gestured to the men standing in the kitchen and laughed.


"So, why are we doing this again?" I asked for about the fifth time since we had sat down on the couch in the living room.

"Because it's fun, now shush." Leo put his finger up to my mouth and I swatted him away, not enjoying the feeling. He just went back to being engrossed in the video game on the tv.

Lionel Messi had been trying to teach me how to play FIFA 16 against him and Kun while Antonella played on her phone on the far end of the room. After a few failed attempts, he had given up and just decided on playing a match against me instead. I wasn't doing very good.

"Are you not gonna help me with this..." I gestured to Anto's husband sat beside me, "problem..?" But she just shook her head and smiled a sarcastic smile.

"You have your fun, I'll have mine." She said simply, most likely referring to the 'lame' prank I pulled on her. I swear, in that moment, I could've strangled her if it weren't for the fact her husband and his extremely good-looking best friend were seated on either side of me.

Again, the only thing I could do was stick my tongue out at her as I continuously pressed buttons with no knowledge of their functions and cursed out Leo for abandoning me. Sergio hasn't really spoken to me since we had first met and I don't think he was planning to. I could've sworn he might've been slightly interested in me, but he was probably just a flirt.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, angry at the loss of the game and the unfairness of it all. Kun and Leo were on the same team and that left me with absolutely no idea how to play and no one to teach me.

"You guys are unfair. I don't even know how to play." I whined and pouted like a child. My eyes strayed to the handsome man I had been introduced to earlier to see him already smiling at me. His smile was so contagious, I just had to break my childish act and grin widely alongside him.


Sergio had left a few minutes ago to go back home as it was now pretty late in the evening and he was probably tired. I just slugged upstairs and immediately fell into the soft king-sized bed with a sigh, not bothering to get into pajamas because I hadn't even properly gotten dressed for the day this morning.

Switching off the lamp on the bedside table, I checked the time on the digital clock next to it and rolled over, closing my eyes and falling into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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