Chapter Five

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My dad ran over to me and scooped me up into his arms.

My father looked the same. His blonde hair had more grey streaks in it than it did before and his eyes had dark bags under them, probably from constant working. But other than that, his freckled face was still full of life and his blue eyes brightened when he saw me.

"There, there Lexi, Dad's here. I'm here this time."

After our long hug and after tears were shed, I asked, "Dad, where were you? We thought you were dead."

"I'm not dead," my dad said as he poked his skin. "See, I'm alive!" he jokingly said.

My father likes to crack jokes at the most inappropriate times.

He looked at me more seriously and said, "Because I was trying to protect you guys. They were after me, the Jinxes. I knew too much because⎼" He stopped suddenly and looked down at the ground. "I was asked to be a Jinx and I took up the offer. But hear me out!"

I can't believe it. My father was one of THEM.

"They lied to me. They told me they were here to help people but that's a load of bull. The Jinxes turned bad and went against everything we had learned about being civil. I escaped and I was wanted; I was worth $3,000, isn't that something?" dad said jokingly.

Um no.

"I'm sorry Lex, but they wanted me dead. So to get out of their radar, I faked my death. I got in a 'car crash' and drove over a bridge into the lake; they obviously never retrieved my body. I had to or they would've came after you guys to get to me. But since I was 'dead', they had no need to harm you or your mother or brothers. By the way, where are they?"

"At the apartments," I replied softly.

"They're not immune, huh?" he asked sadly. I shook my head no. "I knew it," dad whispered. "I knew you were Lex, that's why I wrote you that note."

Oh makes sense.

"And Lex, did you like that pin code?" dad asked. "5394 spells out Lexi."

I smiled and nodded. I looked down at his desk and a little black notebook titled The Jinx and What They Want. I picked up the notebook and ran my fingers along the tittle page. Hmm I guess it'd be worth reading about.

I looked back at dad and he looked up at Chase and Dylan.

He walked over to Chase and shook his hand and gave him one of those bro hugs. "How have you been, Chaseter?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Been good, Mr. Richards. Glad you're alive!" Chase responded.

"Ha me too," dad said as he chuckled.

Oh my gosh, why is he joking around. I'm so irritated and happy at the same time to see my father. I stormed out of the office and sat against the wall with the notebook in my lap. I don't understand.

And of course, Dylan came out to check on me. He's always so worried about me.

"Hey Lex, you ok?" he asked concerned. He's never called me Lex but it sounded nice when he said it.

"I guess, my father..." I stuttered.

He sat down next to me and said, "Everything is ok. I know he hasn't been around for a year and it's hard to process; he doesn't realize it hurts you more than he thought it would."

Then dad walked out and saw Dylan talking to me; he instantly smiled and went back in his office. He likes Dylan, I can tell by that smile.

I looked back at Dylan and he tucked my hair behind my ear. My cheeks were so red, it's like the color was illuminating onto his face.

"I'm sorry," he said sadly.

I just looked down at my hands and he did it.

He did it.

He leaned in and kissed me softly. His lips felt so soft against mine and my mind entered another world. And for a moment, everything seemed perfectly ok until Chase walked out and saw Dylan kissing me.


And to make this moment even more "romantic", sirens blared and the lights went out in the building.

A voice on the intercom said, "Jack Richards, incredible job at faking your death. I applaud you but it's game over. Report outside or we'll see little Lexi very soon," the voice said as she chuckled.

I froze and for several moments I was in my own little world.

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