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~Phil POV~

“We’re running away Dan, just you and me.” He just stared at me with a blank expression, his emotions only conveyed in his eyes. I tried to read them, to get an idea of what he was feeling. I need him to agree with me, he has to understand how important this is. But all I saw was pity, sadness, fear. I felt a weak pain in my chest, as though my heart was physically breaking. Dan’s my only friend, the only person who’s ever cared about me, but even he couldn’t do that anymore. I let go of this arms and I feel my smile fade away as I try to blink back tears.

“Fine… if you won’t come with me, then I’ll have to go on my own.” I start walking away, not knowing where I was going. I heard running footsteps and a familiar pair of hands rested on my shoulders once more. But not in the caring, reassuring way they had done before; his grip was firm and reflected the desperation I knew he was feeling.

“No Phil, please, don’t go! Look, you’re not thinking straight! Your parents don’t know where you are, how could they possibly find out? As long as neither of us say anything, you’re safe. And your parents aren’t exactly likely to tell the school that they have no idea where you are; the police and social services would be on them almost instantly. So who cares what she says to them? They’re not going to find you anyway, not unless you want them to, that is. If we run away, we have more of a chance of getting caught. My mum will know we’ve gone missing and then we’d really be in for it. And where would we go anyway? You’re safe with me Phil.” His grip loosens slightly and his voice softens. “I promise.” I turn round to face him, feeling stupid that I had ever doubted that he was my friend. He’d done more for me than anyone else, and I’d forgotten that.

“Okay Dan, I trust you.” I watch as he gives out a sigh of relief.

Thank god.” Now then, all we have to do is get through the rest of the day, and then we can go home. Maybe we could start thinking about this media project?”

“Yeah! We could try out some make up and film shots!”

“Sounds good!” We spent the rest of break time talking about in the corridor, completely disregarding the glares of people who walked past. For once I didn’t care. Who needed them? I had Dan, and that was all that mattered.

We’d get through this together.

~Dan POV~

My heart was still hammering against my chest from the scare I’d just had. What if Phil had left? I didn’t realise just how seriously he felt about this. I had to be more careful. I had vowed to myself that I would make him feel like the most wanted person in the world, no matter what it took- I had to stick to that.

We both look up as the school bell rings. “We’d better start walking to class.” I say to him. He nods and smiles at me and we both walk to our next lesson- physics.

“It’s just as well I have all of my science lessons with you, I don’t know what I would do without you!” Phil joked, yet the look in his eyes portrayed a more serious tone. I agree with him as we join the back of the line outside of the classroom. The other kids don’t even look at us. Nice to see I had got off to a good start at this school. Eventually the teacher opens the door and we file in. I stand nervously at the edge of the class, reluctant to sit down in case there was another seating plan. The last thing I wanted was to attract any attention towards me and Phil. But Phil signalled towards the stool next to him, smiling at me.

“There’s no seating plan, we sit where we want.”

“Oh” I said as I sat next to him, grateful that I could sit next to him. After that English lesson the thought of sitting next to anyone else made me feel physically sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2013 ⏰

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