The Dark Room

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*This Entire chapter will be mostly on Janice's Perspective, just a little reminder so no one gets confused.
This will keep everyone safe, this is the right thing to do... Right? I entered the portal with Daemontrias and Charlie was thrown at Tyler. Then I saw Alex run at Daemontrias and was sent all the way back to the house, "Alex!" I tried to get out the portal but the portal closed before I could even step out. Next thing I knew I was in some mansion, I turned around and Luke and Stephanie were there waiting. I looked at Luke and he was smiling and said, "Welcome to hell."

Stephanie was avoiding eye contact completely, I then told Daemontrias and said, "We agreed you wouldn't harm anyone else." He walked down the hall and into the main room where there were four hallways leading to different sections in the mansion. There was a large fireplace in the center with a chimeny going straight into the ceiling.

The main colors were black and red velvet, the south hallway is where we just came from and Daemontrias started heading to the east hallway entering this huge kitchen. Daemontrias then got a drink and said, "I did it for self-defense." I got mad and tried to hit him. Daemontrias then hit me across the room and the air was knocked out of me and I stayed down pecause of the impact.

Daemontrias took a sip of his drink and said, "Well then that was rude," Luke then walked in and looked at me when Daemontrias said. "Put her in the dark room." Luke's face expression changed and he took me to the west hallway and started to beat me trying to knock me out. He got a Jack hammer from a closet and managed to knock me out.

I woke up and I had my hands behind my back chained together but I couldn't see a thing, I was in a room but it was pitch black. I was in a corner and to my I could see some light from a staircase going up where I guess was the entrance. The door opened and the light came in and I could see the entire room it was fully made out of concrete and around 8ft high and 20 feet long and 20 feet wide. On the very other side of the room in the corner there was a cage with a lump inside with a white blanket covering it.

Daemontrias, Luke and Stephanie came in and Stephanie brought food in and took the tape off my mouth and started to feed me the food she had on the plate with bread some white mush and water. Luke had the same items and opened the cage and took off the banket and under I saw a person covered in chains.

Luke was in the was so I couldn't see until Luke left and there was a woman with a bruised up face I tried to focus since there wasn't a lot of light going through. I got a good look at her face and realized there can only be one other person in here, "Mom!!!" The woman responded and opened up her eyes and said, "Janice... JANICE!" Daemontrias started to slowly applaud and said, "Well isn't this a nice family reunion."

He walked up to Mom and said, "You know the drill." He started beating her up trying to knock her out, "What are you doing to her!? STOP!" A few minutes later he stopped and started walking towards the door and stopped and said, "Can't have your mother gain strength so she can escape now can I?"

He closed the door and I kept trying to break the chains, after hours I managed to break them and I ran to the cage. "Mom? Mom wake up." She started to wake up and said, "Janice..." I gave her a hug and said, "Mom!" We both started crying for who knows how long. After we stopped she asked me. "Why are you here?"

I sat her up and said, "I made a deal with Daemontrias."

"What deal?"

"That's not important right now, I came to get you out of here." I started to break the chains on her one by one since they were much stronger than the ones I had on. She stopped me and said, "Wait what do you plan on doing to get us out of here?" I stopped breaking the chains and said, "First I break your chains and set it up so it looks like the chains are still intact, and every time they come in I go to my spot with my hands behind my back since they can't see my chains are broken, and when they leave we wait for the right moment and escape."

"And how do you plan to open the portal to get out of this hell?" I heard someone approaching the door and I ran to my side of the room. "We'll talk later mom." Luke and Stephanie came in with the same food as before. As Stephanie was feeding me she then said, "I know what I-"

"Don't give me that crap, you left us for that man who is planning to rule the world." After Stephanie finished awkwardly feeding me she got up and stopped at the staircase leading out and said, "You're wrong about him, you don't know what situation he's in."

As she started walking up Daemontrias came to do the daily beating. This time mom faked being knocked out so we can keep planning and so I could continue breaking her chaines. The next day I finally broke enough chains that mom can break it on her own, Luke came in first and started to feed me instead of my mom. He looked at me up and down and said, "How do you like the dress I picked out for you."

"Screw You."

"Aw that's rude, I picked it out just for you because I thought it would look good on you and it certianly does." He grinned as he starred at me with his perverted eyes. I want to punch him so bad... but I can't give away that I'm not chained down anymore. Stephanie came in and saw Luke took her place, "Hey, I'm supposed to feed her."

"Ah you'll be fine, go feed the mom." Crap I was supposed to tell Stephanie of our plan to get out of here. Stephanie looked at me and kept walking to the other side to my mom who hopefully will explain it to her instead. Luke kept staring at me as he fed me, he watched my mouth as I kept eating the food and he said, "Yea Janice, you eat th-"

I twitched my head causing the food to fall from his hand and onto my lower neck and cheek. "Aw look, now I gotta clean it all off of you."

"Don't try anything." I made sure to look closely at him so he doesn't do anything creepy. He slowly cleaned off the food and as he started tofinish up he tried to go to my chest. "Hey didn't I say not to try anything."

He didn't stop and said, "What you gonna do something?" Daemontrias came in and Luke stopped right before he got to my breasts. Daemontrias came down and this time with a steel bat, "Hey what are you gonna do with that?" I said looking at the bat.

He pointed it to my mom and said, "What else? I'm gonna beat up Destinee." I pretended like I was struggling in the chains, "Why are you doing this, what do you want?" He walked up to me and kneeled down, "I never told you huh?"

"Told me what?"

"About how I lost my-" A loud bang came from outside the room, Daemontrias went towards the staircase when Stephanie opened the door. "What's happening out there?!" We started hearing Luke yell in what sounded like a fight. Stephanie looked down the hall and back at Daemontrias and said, "There here, to get Janice and her mom." Daemontrias stopped smiling and looked at me and mom.

He started to smile again making me feel uneasy since he now knows they're coming for us. He looked at Stephanie and said, "Steph close the door, it's showtime."


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