[Twenty Nine]

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This chapter is dedicated to Loumas_ because she's a loyal reader and her comments and votes make me want to continue with this story. ❤️

Samantha P.O.V

I entered my first class, art , and immediately spotted Thomas at his table. He was surrounded by a bunch of girls and of course, Kara was right there. Sitting on Thomas' lap. I sighed and made my way to the desk in the far corner.

This used to be my favorite class. I love to draw, and I loved that Thomas was in this class with me. But now I dreaded it.

I whipped out my phone and decided to text Jei.

Sam 🌚 : yo what class
do you have rn?

Jei 🌝 : English
with mr . shurley 

Sam 🌚 : oh well I'm
going out w Cole tonight ..

I sighed and closed my phone as the bell rang. This was going to be a long day.

-lunch time-

I was getting my lunch when I saw Thomas. He was sitting down at his usual table, next to Kara. She seemed to be mad, and Thomas seemed worried. What could she be saying to him? I looked away just as I saw Niall waving at me from our table. I smiled and grabbed my tray, making my way towards them.

I sat down at the table, and I realized how much I missed it. The past month I had spent with Jei in the restroom, just trying to plot ways to get Thomas back. Not the ideal place, but that's where we plotted so no one would overhear us.

"Hey Sam! Where have ya been?" Niall asked, smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh just been hanging out with my friend. Actually you guys are going to meet her today!" I said just as Jei plopped down next to me.

"Meet who today?" Jei asked, already digging into her burrito. The guys and Rose, (I updated the cast so check it out 😉) stared blankly at her. She didn't seem to notice so I cleared my throat.

"Guys, this is Jei. Jei that's Niall, Zayn, Harry, Adam, and Rose. Hailey should be here any minute. But you already know her." I told her pointing to every one as I called their names. She nodded and continued with her burrito.

I sighed, and felt my phone vibrate.

Hailey 🙎🏼 : meet me
@ ur locker ASAP!

I rolled my eyes and excused myself from the table. Nobody so much as glanced at me, they were so entranced on how fast Jei inhaled 3 burritos.

I made my way to my locker and saw Hailey leaning against it. She was wearing a light pink pencil skirt, with an equally pink shirt tucked into it. She topped it off with pink converse. She really was something else.

"Sam! Good you're here." She said with a small smile. I smiled back and waited for her to continue. "Okay so I'm willing to believe you're over Thomas. Right?" I gave a hesitant nod.

"Good. Because now I can finally tell you the real him. And it's not pretty."

filler chapter 🌚

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