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Lots of smut because I was in a very horny mood and I wanted to write a lot. So if you aren't looking for a big load of smut, you're in the wrong place :)

Niall sighed heavily taking in the brown haired beauty across the room. Louis Tomlinson. He was beautiful with curves girl kill to have, shining blue eyes, brown hair that looks so soft to touch, and a round ass. No one can forget about that. It was beautiful and round and definitely not fake, unlike Kim Kardashian.

"Staring won't get his attention" Niall's friend, Harry, told him as he sat in front of the fake blonde. Niall just sighed heavily. "Sorry mate, he'll come around eventually"

Louis was a special person. He was able to catch everyone's attention with a bat of his eye lids, he had every bi-sexual man falling to their knees just to spend a night with the curvy boy. Louis has slept with nearly every male who is openly out, though he has probably gotten into the pants of the boys still hiding away.

"Did you hear he and Liam hooked up in behind the bleachers yesterday?" Harry threw a chip into his mouth. Niall immediately felt saddened. That was the last open male, besides himself, and Louis still hadn't acknowledged his existence.

"Well now I have" he grumbled. "What am I doing? Do I not seem gay enough for him?" Niall pouted.

"You're not exactly gay, Ni" Harry tried to help, but Niall didn't want to hear it, even he got into Louis's pants. Niall couldn't believe it when Harry called him the next day to say he spent the night at Louis's house having sex with the boy. But Harry, like everyone else who's gotten laid by Louis, always said how he's different. He has something else that makes him even more pleasant. No one ever said what it was. It was like a secret Louis made them swear by to keep his next victim on their toes.

"You don't think I know what I am?" Niall seethed. "I just want him to notice me"

As Niall continued to sulk and pout over the brunette boy, now currently sitting on, yes on, a table full of jocks, grabbing the hand of a blonde and putting it on his bare thigh. He had decided to wear a skirt today, it was a perfect day for it though, and no one seemed to mind. The Irish boy had also heard rumours he wears panties, everyday. That intrigued Niall even more. Liam Payne joined them at their table.

"Hey guys" the brunette smiled chirply. But Niall glared at him. "Wow, what died up your ass" he asked defensively.

"Oh, I don't know Liam, why don't I ask Louis?" colour drained from his face as he looked at his fake blonde friend. "You know I've had eyes on him, how could you?"

Liam was what people would call easy. He was so easy to work up he can't say no. With his lack of experience in sex with anyone else besides his hand, Liam would take any opportunity he could get. And when Louis came up to him in his short black skirt, white top and black suspenders, he couldn't resist. Especially when Louis suggested such a non-intimate place.

"I'm sorry Ni, but he's so hard to say no to. It's like he has powers. You can't say no to him" Liam said.

"It seems I have the power to repel because he hasn't even looked at me" Niall's head fell onto the table with a thud, I muffled 'ow' was heard by his two friends occupying the table with him. But no one said anything about his head that was hurting a lot more than what it probably should.

"Maybe he doesn't know you're bi? I mean, you don't really show any signs of liking boys" Liam tried to be helpful, but it didn't seem to work. "Maybe try gay it up a little?"

Niall's ears perked up, his head shot up so fast he nearly got whip lash. Wide eyed, he looked at Liam then to Harry, a smirk covering his lips. He had a new idea, something to get Louis's attention. He needed his friends help with this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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