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          after class lets out I rush out of the door and into the hallway, I stand by the door waiting for liam to walk out. seeing him I grab his arm and pull him to the side, I wait for the whole class to leave the building before I start speaking to him.

once the building is cleared out I look at him with his smiling face staring right back at me.

"now explain to me what exactly happened and why you think we slept together." I say with a straight face. his smile soon disappears after the words leave my mouth.

"think? I know we did."

"are you sure it was me? you were drinking as well." I say kind of harshly.

"yeah, I know it was you. I only had one drink when I got to the party and then I stopped to make sure Sophia wouldn't make a fool of herself because she planned on drinking heavily."

staring at him not quite convinced I say "I need the whole story so I can know how we ended up having this conversation. don't leave anything out."

liam takes a deep breath in "alright, ill tell you everything."

looking at the ground he begins to explain "okay, so after we saw each other at the party Sophia dragged me to dance with her, so I did. after we danced a little bit, her friends found her and they all started taking shots. I stood around waiting for her to finish and make sure she was okay. while I was standing around I saw you and niall dancing together, to be honest I got a little jealous because ever since we met I knew I liked you. so seeing you dance with some other guy upset me, I left the party. I went out to the front of the building to get a little fresh air, Sophia ended up finding me. she came up to me pissed as hell and yelling at me about how I left her. one thing led to another and I ended up breaking up with her. she slapped me and stormed off, I was so mad that she hit me I didn't even chase after her. I went walking around the campus just to free my mind and think about shit, that's when you and niall came stumbling out the door I guess to smoke a cigarette. I didn't mean to be so creepy but I kind of just watched you two talk and flirt while drunk, then you two started kissing."

hearing liam talk about niall and I flirting and kissing makes me smile, although liam is talking about him and Sophia breaking up that's all that I really think about. I get out of my thoughts so I can hear the rest of the story.

"once you two finished the cigarette you guys walked back inside, that's when I walked in as well to go to our room. I didn't mean to follow you guys but you two were heading to our room as well. once you guys made it to the door you started making out heavily. I couldn't stand to see that so I walked up and interrupted you guys, niall pulled back when he heard me coming. niall started mumbling some words that I couldn't really understand because when he is drunk his Irish accent is thicker. anyways, after he got his words out he handed you to me and started to walk up the flight of stairs but not before giving you a goodbye kiss. once he was gone I walked us into our room and laid you down on your bed. you tried to get comfortable but couldn't I guess so you stood up and started talking abut how hungry you were. I offered to go get you something to eat but you said you wanted to come with me, so I let you. we walked to red's diner and you surprisingly got there okay except when you fell down our front three steps that lead in to our building, it was bad fall but you got right back up and started walking again. once we got to the diner you had some fries and dipped them into the ice cream sundae that you ordered. some girl named emma was there and claimed to know you. anyways, after you finished it all up we went back to our room. once we were in there you stripped down into your briefs and climbed into my bed. I stripped down to my boxers as well and as I was about to get into your bed, you rolled over and grabbed my arm, and asked me to sleep in bed with you. I wasn't going to turn you down so I climbed in and got under the covers with you. for a while it was quiet and I thought you were sleeping until you started running your hand up and down my upper thigh. soon enough your hand was in my boxers and you were jerking me off, I turned around so my body was facing yours. we started kissing then you rolled over and pulled out a condom from your nightstand that I guess you had put in there earlier. we ended up having sex and you kissed me every now and then like it meant something, like I meant something to you. once we finished you cuddled with me, then in the morning I woke up to a text from Sophia asking me to meet her so I got dressed and didn't wake you because you looked so peaceful. then you came into class and you were acting all weird when I hugged you and gave you a kiss and now we are here. I guess you don't remember anything but I know you cant have sex like that and not be a little sober because you were so caring and loving. you are the first guy I have been with sexually, it meant something to me. you cant say it didn't mean something to you." liam finishes and finally looks me in my eyes.

I am speechless, I don't remember anything about liam and I having sex or even hanging out. what do I even say, it meant something to him and to me its just something I did while I blacked out.

"liam, I don't know what to say. I honestly don't remember any of that, im sorry." I say hoping he will just accept my apology and we will just leave it at that.

he looks shocked "that's all you can say? I tell you that we basically made love last night and you say you are sorry?" liam says angrily.

"you can obviously tell that I like niall, I don't know what else you are expecting from me? it was a drunk hookup." I say a little too harshly.

hearing those words you can tell liam is about to either cry or hit me "fuck you zayn, I hope you and niall are happy together. I hope he still feels the same towards you after I tell him about us hooking up." liam says with a smirk on his face.

"you wouldn't." I say hoping that he is just saying that to fuck with me.

"try me." he says right before he turns around and walks out of the building.


// OMG OMG OGMOGMFDIVIFO fudhuhwu what do you think about clingy liam and about them having sex i didn't even know it was going to happen until i planned it the last five minutes before i upated my last chapter. COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK AND IF YOU ARE ENJOYING THIS FANFIC SO FAR. THANK YOU FOR READIGN  I LOVE YOU.

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